Lest we lose perspective . . .

Hillary is that bad

145810719524993It has been said that Democrats are running the country off the cliff at 90 miles per hour and that Republicans would do so at 70 miles per hour. Well not all Republicans, as we believe Ted Cruz in the driver’s seat would know how to find not only the brakes, but reverse gear.  Hillary, if elected,  would cut the brake cables.

From Gary Bauer at Campaign for Working Families:

Hillary’s Latest Hits

For all the talk about the crazy things Donald Trump says, is anyone paying attention to Hillary Clinton?

Clinton recently said she wants to eliminate virtually all fracking, which has been a huge boon to America’s drive for energy independence and lower gas prices. During a debate on March 6th, Clinton declared, “By the time we get through all of my conditions, I do not think there will be many places in America where fracking will continue to take place.”

She took another shot at America’s energy industry Sunday, saying, “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.” She’s also threatened to put gun manufacturers out of business.

In a time increasingly known for a “blue collar revolt,” Republicans should be able to make great use of these quotes in coal mining states like Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.

And last night, while comparing the situation in Syria with her intervention in Libya, Clinton said this: “So yes, Libya was a different kind of calculation and we didn’t lose a single person.”

Pardon me, Madam Secretary, but we did lose four Americans in Libya — Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

Disgusting. Not only did the Obama/Clinton team manage to forget our ambassador and special operators on the night of September 11, 2012, they have seemingly forgotten they ever existed!

The states listed above are battleground states. Hillary just severely damaged her chances on just one score in those states. Only the grossest dereliction, or sabotage by elements of the Republican Party, would prevent a true conservative like Ted Cruz as the Republican nominee from defeating Hillary.

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