“Impeachment”? how naive were the Founding Fathers?

Another day, another Obamanation

Screen Shot 2016-03-16 at 5.21.18 PMNot surprisingly I suppose, but nowhere else have I seen any commentary on this. Is this not blatant disregard for the law and the Constitutional authority of Congress, Separation of Powers, presidential obligation to uphold the laws “of the land”?

If there is a question of this president’s full exercise of his dictatorial impulses, doesn’t this emphatically answer.

‘Inexplicable’  Editorial of The New York Sun | March 16, 2016  (excerpts)

When President Obama flies to Havana Sunday to cozy up to the Castros, he’ll take off from a runway other than the Constitution. He’ll be violating the letter and the spirit of congressional statute, too.  . . .

On the one hand, the President is taking along corporate executives in an effort to “kick start,” as USA today puts it, a business relationship. On the other hand, trading with Cuba is embargoed by Congress. It’s not legal. Even tourism is strictly controlled by Congress, which limits such travel to visits that have an educational purpose. Yet the President announced measures this week that make a mockery of Congress.

No one has changed the law that imposes the tourism ban. But, as the New York Times gleefully explains in an editorial this week, proving that a trip has “educational purposes” will now “rest with the travelers.” And, it adds helpfully, “any seasoned traveler will tell you that conversations with bartenders, beachside or not, can be mightily educational.” How does this comport with Mr. Obama’s oath to “faithfully” execute his office?   . . .

Read the entire editorial here.       DLH

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