Treehouse loons

Anybody can claim Brietbart's legacy

Anybody can claim Brietbart’s legacy

Frequent Drudge linkee — Conservative Treehouse — has gone full-tilt, jump the shark, bat-sh^t crazy in their maniacal attacks on Cruz as part of their queer support of Trump. *

Our always measured response . . .


This is astounding!?, or something. I don’t exactly know how to describe this, but follow this:

“Conservative Treehouse”, as you know, is a Breitbart wannabe. Breitbart, as now everyone knows, is all-in for Trump.

This “piece” comes out in the aftermath of Breitbart’s chaotic week…staffers quitting, liberal media dancing in the streets over the ‘revelations’ of Trump’s mgr., Lewandowski supposedly roughing up Michelle Fields of Breitbart,etc.

Sundance today ‘brilliantly exposes” Cruz as a GOPe INSIDER(!!). As this piece “reveals”, Cruz’s campaign is heavily funded by GOPe super pacs!

The Mask Is Officially Off – How Ted Cruz Is Funded By Biggest DC Insiders…

Oh, the humanity! This, I think, is really significant. Will anybody deny what the obvious establishment strategy is to “stop Trump” after what we’ve seen the past couple of weeks? The establishment is pouring money, funding demonstrations, and sending high profile/low integrity shills like Lindsey and Mitt out to “get the vote out” for Ted.

Why? As we know…in order to deny votes for Trump!

Why? So the convention can be open! Why? So that the GOPe can then dump the Cruz ploy and get their handpicked loser (I think Ryan) the nomination. That takes no fevered imagination, it has essentially been admitted by Mitt Romney

originalNow this knucklehead, “Sundance”, for his own reasons (we can guess what they are) is all out to portray Cruz as that ‘shadowy, stealth’ GOPe guy that the establishment hopes to sneak into the nomination!

This is as ludicrous, devious, disgusting as I’ve seen anybody try, including all of the nasty stuff the Dems do routinely.  And we are seeing the destroy Trump, destroy Cruz (pick your publication) unmitigated attack pieces with regularity.

The Treehouse loons (who we have linked to on occasion usually by way of Drudge) think they are heirs to Andrew Breitbart’s fearless truth telling. We humbly convey that Andrew Breibart would likely have had none of their nonsense.  From the Examiner:

Andrew Breitbart endorsed Ted Cruz weeks before he died

The late conservative icon Andrew Breitbart tells Juan Williams, who was guest-hosting the O’Reilly Factor, that Donald Trump “is not a conservative.”

The late conservative icon Andrew Breitbart tells Juan Williams, who was guest-hosting the O’Reilly Factor, that Donald Trump “is not a conservative.”
YouTube (Jay Caruso)

Conservative icon Andrew Breitbart was a huge fan of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz. Just weeks before he met his untimely death in March 2012, Breitbart “told close friends and associates that Cruz represented conservatism’s future,” as reported at Breitbart News.

Of front-runner Donald Trump, Breitbart said “of course” Trump is “not a conservative” and stated that unless conservatives “learn how to play the media,” America will end up voting for “a celebrity candidate.”

The Breitbart News article, written by Tony Lee, continues:

“It was because Breitbart saw in Cruz, first and foremost, a fighter who was fierce, principled, uncompromising, and relentless. These were the characteristics Breitbart first looked for and those who were a part of the ‘Army of Davids’ had in spades.”

The Daily Caller reported as well Andrew Breitbart talking about Trump:

“Of course, he’s not a conservative. He was for Nancy Pelosi, before he was against Nancy Pelosi … celebrity is everything in this country if these guys don’t learn how to play the media the way Barack Obama played the media last election cycle and the way that Donald Trump is playing the election cycle — we’re going to probably get a celebrity candidate,” Breitbart warned.

Videos of the Andrew Breitbart comments are available within both the Examiner and Daily Caller articles.

DLH with R Mall

  • We note that The Iowa Republican has been sharing a branch with the Treehouse in their unbalanced attacks on Cruz.
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