Mormon “praise” for Cruz

Another one prays

This is a quote from a Salt Lake City Tribune report on Sen. Ted Cruz’s campaign swing through Utah this past week.

“Cruz basked in the praise of two big-name Mormons: former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney and conservative talk show host Glenn Beck.” 

To us, it seems a little bizarre. First, the endorsement of Mr. Cruz by Glenn Beck may be doing more harm to the Senator than good. Beck in recent years has evolved from an informed, entertaining, and extremely effective promoter of freedom, conservative/ /libertarian principles, and the Constitution into a kind of eccentric cartoon character who seems to imagine himself as something of a preacher of moral authority. In our opinion as a one time fan of Beck’s, much of his once highly popular radio show has become off-putting sermonizing.

In the case of Governor Romney, Cruz’s “basking in his praise” is more than just a bit misplaced. Mr. Romney doesn’t like Senator Cruz nor much of anything  he stands for. Romney has rather openly admitted that his “support” for Cruz is nothing more than a cynical use of the GOP candidate as a weapon to prevent his rival, Donald Trump from getting the necessary votes to wrap up the nomination. As part of the Republican establishment’s plan, as soon as Trump’s first ballot victory at the convention is blocked, Senator Cruz’s campaign will then be trashed so that an establishment favorite, such as Paul Ryan can be slithered in.

Romney’s “endorsement”, however, in stark contrast to Beck’s may actually be greatly beneficial to Mr. Cruz, even though it is intended to ultimately be no such thing.

Allowing its “Stop Trump” strategy to be so transparently cynical and so willfully aimed at disregarding anything GOP voters  want, the establishment may have shot itself in both feet and its head!

We can only hope.


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