Publication he works for is imbued with liberal pack media narratives in its news and features pages and reflects the “Beltway Republican insular establishment” (hereinafter the BRIE crowd) in its editorial pages.
Among the Wall Street Journal’s stable of “anti-Trump, anti-Cruz, anti-GOP conservative base” hit men, Daniel Henninger’s column Thursday seems to indicate that the Journal’s editorial board is on the verge of succumbing to a total breakdown.
In his piece entitled “Obama’s Greatest Triumph”, Henninger, in characteristic WSJ snide viciousness, charges that Obama is “now close to destroying his political enemies—the Republican Party, the American conservative movement, and the public policy legacy of Ronald Reagan”.
And who does Henninger blame for this? Well, let’s see:
According to the erudite Mr. Henninger, the GOP was playing its role as the loyal opposition quite well:
In 2010, with Democrats in control of both Houses of Congress, not one Republican voted for Obamacare as it became the “law of the land”. Further, Dodd-Frank the draconian finance legislation also passed into law with “only one Republican Senate vote”.
Thus, Henninger says, in his first term,”Republicans and conservatives fought Barack Obama.” In the second Obama term, “they decided it made more sense to fight each other”.
( Ed. Note: Let’s see. In 2010, GOP voters, after watching the party’s geniuses “fight” Obama as he achieved a couple of his biggest goals on the way to “fundamentally transforming” America, they rose up and “shellacked” the Democrats in elections across the nation and gave the GOP control of the House, the “purse strings”, as it were. Despite the massive voter support for stopping Obama, nothing changed. Oh, wait! The GOP did sue the president. The president’s agenda rolled merrily on.)
So, says Henninger, claiming that the GOP leadership missed the “messaging force of social media” and no party spokesman for conservatism, “freelance operators ” filled the vacuum.
Specifically, he cites such villains as “two hyper ambitious Senate freshman (sic)”, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.
(ed. note: You know, a couple of “hyper ambitious” Tea Party guys that voters sent to the Senate instead of hand-picked ‘establishment’ choices in the Romney-McCain mold).
Henninger also says that the “vacuum” was filled with a “movement to purge and cleanse conservatism”, led by such terrible forces as Heritage Action and those awful talk radio hosts (guess who?).
And, here it comes…”Together they conjured an internal enemy—the “Republican Establishment.”!!!!!!
(Ed. note: “conjured”…as in no such thing exists; nobody here but us ‘conservative chickens’.)
And then, Henninger informs us, “conservatives complain constantly about the bias of the mainstream media”. Thus, with that dratted social media messaging that the GOP leadership missed, the bar had become “so low on website entry, members-only media alternatives emerged, such as RedState and Breitbart News”
(Ed. note: Mr. H seems to be moved beyond tears that such inferior opposition to the wise opinion and counsel of his and the rest of the MSM is challenged in such a way. One must grieve for Daniel.)
To summarize Henninger’s hysterical tirade, other highlights (“lowlights” perhaps better describes) include that he:
-Dismissively rejects attempts by conservative Republicans specifically sent by the people in the 2010 landslide elections to slow the nation’s sharp downward trajectory, as “ritualistic suicide raids on the Obama presidency”. Perhaps forgetting he had earlier in his column included himself and his paper as part of it , Henninger sneeringly notes that the “mainstream media” would have depicted them as “hapless defeats” by presidential veto.
– Claims that by the 2015 primary season “virtually all the issues inside the Republican Part: had been “reframed as proof of betrayal”. Henninger cites two specifically Trade as a “job sellout” and “immigration reform” as amnesty.
(Ed. note: Far be it from us ordinary folks to challenge the eminent wisdom of Daniel Henninger and his colleagues on the Wall Street Journal editorial board. Howewever, benighted as we are, it could be humbly suggested that there is a different way to view events and GOP behavior besides his analysis.
Obviously the Journal would bemoan the folly of the party’s ignorant base about “immigration reform” and “trade”. But we see a GOP hierarchy, big money donors (the mythical ‘donor class’), and the MSM all very much in agreement on “immigration reform” with Obama and the Democrats…albeit for different reasons: votes in the latter class, cheap labor in the former. What we see should be more accurately termed “open borders” with the ultimate outcome being that “fundamental transformation” of America, its values, its economic system, and its political structure Obama and the radical left has longed for.
And “trade”? A lot of us “folks’ are downright mystified that Mr. Henninger, the Journal, and all those good Republicans we are accused of “conjuring” as “establishment” sees the Obama trade pact, the TPP, as the greatest “free trade” initiative in… who knows how long?.
Again, we see it a little differently. As though suddenly Obama has become the fount of honesty, truth, and champion of free markets and ‘unfettered capitalism’, the Henningers are promoting a 5500 page “trade agreement”. It was negotiated by those fine ‘conservative’ folks who work for Obama in total secrecy, the “peoples’ representatives’ not allowed to see it until Obama approved. With pretty solid evidence the agreement allegedly goes well beyond trade issues and seriously threatens America’s sovereignty in various ways.
Given the many, many occasions on which Obama has contemptuously ignored Congress and the Constitution and has blatantly lied to the American people why on earth are all these ‘smart people’ like Henninger helping Obama “sell’ this thing as a triumph for “truth, honesty, and the American way”?
But, then, what do we know? Come back JEB!)