Did anybody ask Ryan if this “pledge” was as sound as his others?

OSG0_ZaIsw9v4h1vdB9FgZgd6npHfTlTh1pxmYJDwWhSy2YkdxLg4B5t9F4Y3AzRUtxozO4=s128Speaker Ryan: ‘I Do Not Want, Nor Will I Accept The Republican Nomination’

Permit veritaspac to parse and clarify some excerpts (snips) of the Speaker’s words, embellishing his purple prose.

I just returned from a weeklong trip to the Middle East to meet with our allies and partners there. We had some important conversations about ISIS, the security threat in that region, and those around the world

But I’ll tell you, it’s amazing how closely our politics is followed overseas. I was asked about it everywhere I went.

I’m also aware that while I was overseas there was more speculation that someone other than the current candidates will emerge as our party’s nominee.     (snip)

The speculation has been around for weeks and weeks, I could have issued this speech, with the same sincerity, before I left

146049971835557Let me be clear: I do not want, nor will I accept the Republican nomination.

So let me speak directly to the delegates on this: If no candidate has a majority on the first ballot, I believe you should only choose a person who actually participated in the primary. Count me out.

Just like I said about running for Speaker  ” no”  and “I don’t want to be speaker” and  my word stands. But hey girl, I’ll be in town so call me.

As I’ve talked about before, politics today tends to drift toward personality contests, not policy contests. Insults get more ink than ideas.

Insulting peoples intelligence like those of us in Republican leadership do all the time does doesn’t get ink?

But we still owe it the county to show what we would do if given a mandate from the people. We have an obligation to give a clear picture – a clear choice. To talk about solutions.

Like the 2010 and 2012 and 2014 congressional mandates.  But this time, I mean it

That’s why I’ve been giving speeches, that’s why I’ve been communicating a vision for what our party and country can be. And I’m going to continue doing it.

I believe we can once again be that optimistic party that is defined by a belief in the limitless possibility of our people. We want to be a party defined by solutions… by being on the side of the people. We want to take our principles and apply them to the problems of the day.

We’d like to but you know we will fold like a cheap big tent under my leadership

Embrace free enterprise and reject cronyism… Promote upward mobility… Provide solutions for those stuck in poverty… Offer a tax code that rewards hard work, not the well connected… A strong and focused military… A health care system that promotes choice and flexibility… A secure border…

2016-03-07-4deb80a3_largeI put a thumbtack in my shoe to keep me from breaking into laughter as I say these words to you again.

To prepare for a Fall campaign with our nominee that gives a clear and compelling choice to our fellow citizens so we can earn the mandate to get things right….to fix our problems and get our country back on track.

Japanese politicians have a tradition that when they are entrusted with the sort of confidence and power you gave to us and are found to have been insincere, distorted, or failed miserably.  THANK GOD THE GOOD OL’ USA DOESN”T!

R Mall

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