Alternatives to Fox and Drudge

images-4Fox entertainment puts out its share of crud and has not shied from being on the cutting edge of cultural degradation with some shows. It obviously does not care to do anything but what it feels necessary to gain an audience. The greater good does not figure into its programming decisions, only audience share.  There are no real attempts to raise the standards of the audience rather the entertainment division is content to sink to the  level they see, if not help degenerate it to meet theirs.

Fox  News has been critiqued in these pages for quite some time. Bill O’Reilly, the hypocrisy of Megyn whatshercame, and more. Their talk show opinionators are largely in the tank for Trump and the reportage is largely PAC journalism, imbued with liberal narratives.  There is less and less difference between it and “mainstream” liberal sources. It decides what is news and what narrative to use and more than is necessary the choices are the same as liberal media

There should be no presumption that Drudge is an objective news source for conservatives regarding the nomination process. The site is thoroughly in the bag for Trump, using narratives favorable to him and not putting forth links to articles that expose him. That is not good as it is in the process of destroying its reputation as a go-to source for news of interest to all conservatives.

Conservatism has many good sources and Fox and Drudge have not been earning loyalty, certainly not primary reliance.

So first and foremost, we recommend using a variety of conservative Internet and cable viewing sources for news and commentary.  Please include us as we admit our bias.  Read more rather than listen to talking heads.  By no means rely chiefly on Fox or Drudge for what is news.

Here are two honest aggregator sites that provide a lot of links regarding issues the liberal media, Drudge and Fox do not carry.

Conservative News Blog and Aggregator – News Watch

The Liberty Daily | News that Matters in Our Fight Against Tyranny

R Mall

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