Trump differences — Pope’s Venezuela — Being had by the Obamanation

Random thoughts……

  • Had I waited until reading Bobby Jindal’s op-ed in Monday’s Wall Street Journal, I would not have had to pen my rejoinder to last week’s Veritaspac’s post, titled “Does Trump Want Party Unity?”. Jindal, more eloquently and with some minor variations, says it pretty much for me. His piece is titled “I’m Voting for Trump, Warts and All”.
  • I would cite this one paragraph from Jindal’s column as a cautionary note to any conservatives who suggest they won’t support Trump if he doesn’t “apologize” and come around to a more “refined” campaign behavior:

“In my lifetime, no Democrat in the White House has ever appointed a Supreme Court justice who surprised the nation by becoming more conservative, while the opposite certainly cannot be said for Republican appointments. Mr. Trump might not support a constitutional conservative focused on original intent and limits on the court’s powers. He may be more likely to appoint Judge Judy. However, there is only a chance that a President Trump would nominate a bad justice, while Mrs. Clinton certainly would.”

  • A reader asked me after reading my post referred to the above article what exactly I meant when I wrote that the outcome of an election this November pitting Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton will likely produce a “Hobson’s Choice” or a “Sophie’s Choice”. For those not familiar with those terms, I’m suggesting that this unique event in American history may well present all of us with either (or both) a Hopson’s, that is, simply put, “a choice: take it…or leave it”; or a Sophie’s: “whatever the outcome, the result will be very bad.”
  • There is one column in Monday’s Wall Street Journal I would very much wish that someone at the Vatican would ask Pope Francis to read. Written by Mary Anastasia O’Grady, the Journal’s outstanding Latin American reporter and columnist. Her column, Venezuela’s Hunger Is No Game,  is one of the finest analyses ever of the disastrous failure of socialism/Marxism currently underway in Venezuela. In her one column, O’Grady successfully and succinctly indicts and convicts the Hugo Chavez legacy of destroying that nation’s economy and sending its population into starvation, oppression, and poverty unseen since the days of Mao in China and the worst times in the Soviet Union.

Pope Francis would do well to consider O’Grady’s conclusions and examine his own Marxist beliefs and to become as well-versed on the plight of Venezuelans and its causes as he is so eager to do in “exposing” the defects and consequences of capitalism and America’s values system.

  • A friend of mine who recalls my vow of last summer that, if the establishment was successful in imposing a Jeb Bush nomination on the Republican voters, I would not support his candidacy. My friend wanted to know how that position differed from the one Jeb has now announced that he will not support Donald Trump’s candidacy as the presumptive GOP nominee.

Always happy to “provide light so that folks can find their own way”, as the once revered Scripps-Howard news agency proclaims, I noted the following: I did not formally pledge to Republican voters that I would support the Party’s nominee, whomever that might be. I had two very good reasons back last summer for taking the position I did…Jeb’s support for ‘open borders’. and his own pronouncement that he intended to secure the nomination without the support of the Republican Party’s voter base. Since then, I found another reason for my position: Jeb Bush’s, like that of the GOP establishment’s, ’solemn’ pledges are worth nothing and is never to be depended upon!

  • Anybody curious about how the typical Obama voter is reacting to their “bible’s” report on the latest extraordinary arrogance and mendacity of the Obama regime? The NY Times Magazine article by David Samuels is extraordinary in presenting, in the words of Obama’s “mind-meld” Ben Rhodes, the arrogance of the entire administration.

This “revelation” by Rhodes how the regime misrepresented the Iran Nuclear agreement  joins that of the academic fool, MIT economics professor, Jonathon Gruber, whose revelations about how he helped the administration employ the exact same kind of shocking and fraudulent manipulation of the American people to ram Obamacare through.

It shouldn’t, but the way in which Obama and his minions so obviously don’t care if they reveal how they make fools of the American people, AND, expose their own media allies as truly “useful” idiots, can’t help but surprise even those who know what this president is, and how incredibly devoid of honesty the man is.


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