Horowitz re “NeverTrump” — What can they be thinking?

From V’pac’s “Losing is Winning”, referencing Bret Stephens, WSJ May 10 editorial;

Yes! That’s Bret Stephens’ prescription for “saving ‘serious’ conservatism”: Elect Hillary Clinton and have a Republican Congress hold her “in check”!!!!
Hold that Democratic president in check! Mr. Stephens must, thus, be very satisfied at how the current “Republican Congress” has held Barack Obama “in check”.

In an article at Brietbart titled: Trump Derangement Syndrome David Horowitz expands upon, and of course says it better, our commentary earlier this week about the truly nitwit column penned by the smarmy Stephens.

This paragraph effectively explains the main point of our criticism of Stephens’ piece:

“Could a Republican Congress – assuming that there would be a Republican Congress if Trump lost – hold a Democratic president like Hillary Clinton “in check”? How did that work out during the destructive reign of Barack Obama? With Republican majorities in the House and Senate Obama had no real problem in becoming the first American president to build his legacy around a policy that can fairly be described as treasonous – providing a path to nuclear power and ballistic missile capability to an Iranian regime that is our nation’s mortal enemy, has already murdered thousands of Americans, and is ruled by religious fanatics who have made no secret of their determination to destroy us.”


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