Obama’s Dept. of Education and Dept. of Justice intimidate schools into mixing genders in bath and locker rooms.
- Some governors are fighting back, issuing directives of their own
- So far Iowa Governor Branstad is not one of them, only issuing Milquetoast disagreement
- Iowa already accommodates
- American Academy of Pediatrics: Sex-Segregated Bathroom and Locker Room Access is Best for Children
Via The Family Leader: Governor Branstad, protect our children!
On Friday, President Obama and his administration put the safety and privacy of every child in America at risk.
His Department of Education issued new “guidance” mandating schools that receive federal funding adopt “gender inclusive” policies that permit boys who say they are girls (and girls who say they are boys) to play on girls’ sports teams – and even use girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, and hotel rooms on overnight trips!
When the safety and privacy of our children are put at risk by a president who values his sexual revolution agenda over their protection, we are called to speak and to act.
But what can we DO about it?
For starters, the governors in at least six states have told the Obama administration they will not comply with his unlawful and dangerous edict.
But Iowa is not yet one of them.
To update the Family Leader charge, we find that Governor Branstad has now said something, in response to a reporter’s question at an event, but there is no indication of an executive action or even that it is being contemplated. And there has been no press release at this writing. His statement was such that if Caspar Milquetoast “rapped” something it would sound like Branstad.
Via William Petroski writing at the Des Moines Register: Branstad raps Obama on transgender bathrooms
“I think there are bigger and more important issues that the president should be addressing, such as protecting the security of Americans and more effectively addressing the threat to our very lives and well-being, and the targeting of military and law enforcement and now of business people that we see occurring from our enemies,” Branstad said.
According to the Des Moines Register (DMR):
Since 2007, Iowa law has prohibited discrimination based on gender identity, and many schools have already made restroom and locker room accommodations, with some creating private restrooms and changing areas to meet the needs of their transgender students.
But the federal guidelines appear to take the requirement a step farther, requiring public schools to allow transgender students to have access to all restrooms and locker rooms associated with their gender identity. Private restrooms set aside for transgender students are not an acceptable workaround, the administration said.
So that is an admission from the liberal DMR that the Obama edict requires much more of Iowa than separate facilities. Branstad is quoted some more by the paper but it is no more resolute. The DMR article goes on to explain that:
The Iowa Department of Education currently instructs public schools that they cannot force students to use a bathroom that reflects the gender of their birth if it does not reflect the gender they identify with. Absent a safety concern, schools should allow the use of a bathroom or locker room that reflects students’ gender identity, a spokeswoman said.
The Obama Dept of Education / DOJ notices are not law. Under the governor’s executive authority we believe Branstad can direct his Department of Education to revise their directive to state that privacy and safety concerns do NOT allow the sharing of bathrooms and locker rooms at the same time by individuals of different biologic gender. He should also join with other governors in unified resistance. The Family Leader, urges people to sign an online petition asking Branstad to resist the Obama administration’s guidance on transgender matters involving schools.
Petition: Gov. Branstad, protect our children!
More reading:
Via Red State: These 12 States Are Fighting Back Against Obama’s Leftist Bathroom Bullying
Via The Blaze: Middle School Students Take a Stand in Transgender Bathroom Firestorm After Controversial Directive From Obama Administration
(read some of the pithy comments to both)
Caffeinated Thoughts reports that The American College of Pediatricians maintains that:
Sex-Segregated Bathroom and Locker Room Access is Best for Children
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