Justice Department boss endorses party under investigation for national security crimes  to be  Justice Department boss

Mark Stein, subbing for Rush Limbaugh has given a powerful commentary regarding what, in our opinion, amounts to the most grievous example of conflict of interest in the history of the United States.

Our thoughts:

President Barack Obama has announced his unqualified endorsement of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic party’s nominee for president.

Were it not Barack Obama, this would be shocking…an unprecedented abuse of executive branch power! It is not particularly shocking though because it is merely an extension of the not-so-gradual escalation of his practice of unabashed unconstitutional, lawless governance.

If it needs any more explanation of why Obama’s action in endorsing Hillary Clinton for president while “his” Justice Department is actively investigating her for serious negligence and criminal activity while Secretary of State, then the future of this nation is no longer in doubt…it is a future as the most oppressive banana republic imaginable. Not a Stalinist-type government, not a Maoist-style…much more like a grimly comical Idi-Amin Ugandan type of ruthless, one party rule bound to eventually evolve into a brutally oppressive government with no regard for the rule of law with all power in the hands of one person, or one small ruling elite.

Please explain Democratic party voters, how you can justify, morally or legally, Obama’s action. How can one imagine a scenario where the FBI’s investigation uncovers massive evidence of criminal activity on the part of Hillary Clinton and people on her staff , recommends criminal indictment to the Attorney General who presents it to the President, who will have campaigned for Secretary Clinton’s election to succeed him as president, and come away with a direction to prosecute Clinton?

Well, FBI Director Comey, how’s that investigation going…see any wrong doing there?


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