Mitt the LOSER

Poltico’s Alex Isenstadt writes:

Romney rips 2016 also-rans for losing to Trump 
Mitt gets emotional: ‘Seeing this just breaks your heart.’

Hillary-Nuke-Codes-600-LAWhat a bitter, pathetic LOSER Mitt Romney has become. A couple of stories to come out of an extensive interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer this past week displays in blinding light the “real” Mitt Romney.

This is the guy who ran the most inept presidential campaign in modern political history and quite literally gave a second term to the most destructive president in American history!

In one story about his appearance on CNN, we hear of this sanctimonious political incompetent lecture on all the shortcomings of the 2016 presumptive GOP nominee for president…the same person Mitt gushed over when he happily accepted his endorsement when Mitt, himself was running.

Then Mr. Romney has the sheer “audacity” to scold the other Republican candidates who vied unsuccessfully with Donald Trump for the nomination.

Mitt, that is beyond embarrassing! After you put on a clinic on how run a campaign so poorly that you lose to a proven race-baiting, anti-America, congenital liar, whose policies and behavior had already severely damaged the nation, you have the nerve to not only show your face at any political event, but to criticize other honorable people who performed far more competently.


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