The logic of . . . it’s OK to off our daughter, just don’t make fun of her?

About that anti-Trump ad getting play in Iowa — the featured parents in the video either need to get a clue and then demand the ad be pulled or, own up to the grotesque obtuseness of their support or willingness to be used as shills in support of Hillary.

Perhaps you have seen the ad embedded below, we have here in Davenport on one or the other mainstream channels.  It was produced and paid for by Priorities USA Action — a single-candidate super PAC  in support of Hillary Clinton.  Contributors to them include ardently pro-abortion George Soros who is listed as contributing $6,000,000 (December 2015),  James Simons of Euclidian Capital, $7,000,000 in the early months of this year (his wife has served on the Board of Planned Parenthood of Suffolk County, NY)* and Fred Eychaner (see earlier post) $2,000,000.  There are dozens of other million-dollar-plus contributors for 2016. That it is being shown in Iowa probably implies Iowa is considered a toss-up state or only a leaner, and not safe for Hillary. That is an aside to the main point we want to make here.

It is just a one-minute spot.**  If you have not viewed it please do so, and then our comment.

So Donald Trump in an inglorious moment lets loose with a fusillade against (we are told) the New York Times disabled reporter you see referred to in the ad. Lets assume it was directed in particular at him and not a generic complaint about knee-jerk liberal reporters.

The parents refer to being told of their daughter Grace’s spina bifada, which is detectable in utero and is a treatable condition of varying degrees of severity. According to the time-frame suggested by the parents, this was when Grace was about 20 weeks or more along inside her mother.   Keep in mind that there is no meaningful restriction on abortion in the US under the regime created by Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton. Some states are trying to restrict late-term abortion, but as to availability it is still readily available in the US.

Had the mother so desired (sorry dad, you do not have any say) their precious daughter could have been destroyed at mom’s request by abortion.  The methodology at that stage, any stage, is tortuous to the child. We see their lovely child in an incubator (artificial womb) and enjoying school and life at later stages.  But in each reference and picture it is the same delightful child who was diagnosed with spina bifada while inside her mother. Obviously the parents, or at least the mother, did not want to take that route, their daughter Graces the video.

Hillary Clinton is a champion for the legality of abortion at any stage and for any reason, including partial-birth or “intact dilation and extraction abortion”, the type that would likely have been employed had Grace’s mother desired not being “burdened”after the diagnosis.  How is it that the Grace’s parents of this world, do not see that here is no love for the 20 week-old Graces of this world by Hillary Clinton?   She is among the most doctrinaire pro-abortion advocates to walk the earth. For all his faults Donald Trump respects Grace’s independent right to exist. Hillary will admit no such thing.

Grace’s parents need to evaluate their priorities.  The candidate they are at least being used to support is a sinister advocate of a legal regime that is out to rid the world of Graces for utilitarian, utopian and eugenic death-dealing reasons.

If they have not already, expect Hillary’s stand-ins, with complete alacrity to develop a video using ever so compellingly sincere parents telling how Hillary’s support for abortion protected them from having to bring a “deformed “child into the world “only to suffer” (perhaps a different “spina bifida baby”).  Cynical?  At root, there is nothing uncynical about abortion, its supporters, apologists  and enablers. Grace’s parents, where are you?

More reading about the ad here:

Hillary Clinton PAC Makes Misleading “Pro-Life” Ad to Sway Christian Voters

R Mall

*  We came across a report indicating that James Simons may have given substantial amounts to Ted Cruz through his connections to Renaissance Technologies (RT), something separate from Euclidean Capital. The RT linked sources include donors other than Simons.   Analysis from liberal commentators indicates that the game is primarily to deny the presidency to Bernie Sanders, who is seen as bad for business, and Trump, seen as a protectionist and bad for business.

** We note that the YouTube placement of the ad indicates 750,000 plus “hits” but also that comments have been disabled. We wonder why.

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