It is possible — Paul Ryan and John McCain are beatable by conservtives


There is no GOP member of Congress who more fully supports open borders than Paul Ryan. In an election year in which ‘good news’ is hard often to find, there is one nugget of hope coming out of Wisconsin this week.

House Speaker Ryan’s support has slipped below 50% in the polls as he seeks reelection in the Republican primary next month.

This has apparently so alarmed Mr. Ryan and his establishment supporters, including Democrats, that he is back to telling voters again how really, really serious he is about “border security” and in opposing all of those illegal and/or unconstitutional Obama initiatives which Ryan, himself, fully funded as soon as the last mid-term election was over.

Hopefully conservatives and GOP voters and Independents realize that Paul Ryan IS “Mr. Establishment”.

Around this time in every election cycle, he talks about how committed he is to conservative principles, Constitutional government, securing our borders, and opposing the far left agenda of Obama and the Democratic party leadership.

In between election cycles, Paul Ryan has done what establishment types do. He betrays the people who sent him to Washington to do what he said he would and does everything he can to advance most of the liberal, crony capitalist agenda.

As a Breitbart story notes, to understand where Paul Ryan stands on illegal immigration, open borders, amnesty, and the import of hundreds of thousands of “unvettable” refugees from Middle East countries, just ask Democrat congressman and leading congressional advocate for illegal immigration and amnesty for all illegals, Luis Guiterrez. Or Mark Zuckerburg, billionaire crony champion of no borders (just goes to show you what happens when you give an un-informed adolescent an unlimited allowance).

Something for conservatives to ponder. Is Paul Ryan, supported by millions of dollars from his establishment friends like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and big corporations seeking the benefits of cheap labor, beatable?

Was Eric Cantor?

Take a look at Paul Nehlen, Ryan’s opponent in the August GOP primary. Ryan has $10 million in the bank but rather pathetic showing in the polls.  Conservative support for Nehlen could make another Cantor-like revolution happen!  Consider helping him out.

For America’s, this is the moment when the establishment will get the message or America’s descent into a dark and dreary future continues.  Consider helping Nehlen out.

Breitbart article:
Reeling from Falling Polls, Paul Ryan Floods District with Mailers on Border Security After Funding Every Obama Open Borders Initiative  


“McCain in deep trouble”

“Curiously” there is a not a lot of information or announced recent polling for Atate Senator Kelli Ward’s challenge to John McCain in the Arizona Republican primary (not much on Nehen vs Ryan either). The most recent goes back to May, that we could find.

May 16 poll —   Public Policy polling

McCain is polling at only 39% in the Republican primary field. He’s benefiting from having multiple opponents. Kelli Ward is at 26%, Alex Meluskey at 4%, Scott McBean at 3%, and Clair Van Steenwyk at 2%. 27% are undecided. McCain is very strong among moderates, leading Ward 60-10. But among ‘somewhat conservative’ voters he leads just 34-29, and with ‘very conservative’ ones he’s down 35-28. When you narrow the field down to just a choice between McCain and Ward, it’s a tie at 41%. Ward is polling this competitively at this point despite having only 41% name recognition.

The reasons: (via Gilbert Watch)

John McCain was censored over a year ago by Arizona precinct committeemen all over the state for good reason. This GOP vote followed censures by the Gila County Republican Party, as well as Maricopa, Cochise, Apache, and Santa Cruz County Republican Committees. Most censures stated that John McCain had:

“amassed a long record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation best associated with liberal Democrat interests, such as amnesty, funding for Obama Care, raising the debt ceiling, and continues to support liberal judicial nominees, while avoiding any defense of the liberal assaults on the Constitution and the second amendment;…..and much of his sponsored legislation has been harmful to the citizens of Arizona and the United States;…… and while Senator McCain has campaigned as a conservative and made promises during his re-election campaigns, such as the needed and welcomed promise to secure our borders and finish the border fence, he has repeatedly failed to aggressively pursue or support those promises;……and Senator McCain has abandoned the core values of Arizona Republicans and has been eerily weak or silent in opposing Democrat legislation; ……and Senator McCain has repeatedly and publicly severely criticized, or reprimanded, fellow conservative Republicans in Congress and his own party….”

DLH and R Mall

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