Senator Jeff (The Flake) Flake

What’s with Arizona?  Flake trying to out McCain, McCain*


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Convention anti-Hillary rhetoric chasing voters away from GOP: Sen. Jeff Flake
Blasts ‘Hillary for prison’ chants   (Washington Times – excerpt)

CLEVELAND — Sen. Jeff Flake, one of the prominent Republicans who stayed home from the party’s convention, said he’s still watching at home in Arizona and said Tuesday that strident speeches and barbs against Hillary Clinton are hurting the GOP.

Mr. Flake, in an interview with KFYI radio, said delegates at the convention who chanted for Mrs. Clinton to be sent to prison, and speakers from the dais who agreed, are chasing swing voters away from the party.

“Watching the convention last night, and I did watch a lot of it, it was concerning that so much of the talk may play well for the audience there, but you have to remember, you have a broader audience out there,” Mr. Flake said.

“That is beyond the pale. That does not expand our base,” he said.

This senator continues to live up (or down) to our characterization of his last name as both a proper noun and a common noun. Few GOP senators have done more to undermine conservative principles, ideals, and goals than “the flake”.

On Loretta Lynch: (via Western Free Press)

Flake Votes For Loretta Lynch; Supports Obama’s Lawlessness 

“I was pleased today to confirm Loretta Lynch as attorney general. While I disagree with Ms. Lynch on many policy positions, I have always believed that the Senate should give deference to the president to pick his Cabinet unless there is something disqualifying in a nominee’s background.

“Furthermore, with Loretta Lynch confirmed, Eric Holder’s tenure as head of the Department of Justice draws to a close. Not a bad day in Washington.”

On Obama’s ‘secretly negotiated’ “Sovereignty Surrender” deal, TPP:  (Breitbart)

GOP Senator Jeff Flake: Suck it Up and pass TPP

“Yet this is not the first time Sen. Flake has pushed policies that are opposed by the American electorate. For instance, despite the fact that 92% of the GOP electorate — and 83% of the American electorate overall — would like to see immigration levels frozen or reduced, in 2013 Flake worked with Marco Rubio to pass the Gang of Eight bill, which would have exploded immigration levels.

“Similarly, in 2015, despite the fact that polls show the Republican electorate overwhelmingly supports temporarily pausing Muslim migration into the United States, Sen. Flake voted for a Democratic amendment declaring that Muslims living in foreign nations have a global right to immigrate into the United States. Flake was joined in supporting the radical Democratic proposal by Sen. Mike Lee. The proposal was opposed by Jeff Sessions, Ted Cruz, David Vitter, and Thom Tillis.”

On the importation of ‘unvettable’ middle eastern ‘refugees’: (Conservative Review)

Jeff Flake Visits Islamic Extremist Who Chastised Moderate Muslims

Our country faces its most existential threat ever—a subversive pan-Islamic Jihad that has been allowed to settle within our borders over the past few decades.  The mix of mass migration from the Middle East and the intimidation of the Muslim Brotherhood against moderate Muslims have created a ubiquitous threat in every corner of our nation.  Yet Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) wants you to know that he is a good person.  Yes, he is a good person because he is not concerned with the problem; he is concerned about those of us who chronicle the problem.

Seeking the laudatory headlines from the media he’s successfully elicited, Flake went on a solidarity mission to the Islamic Center of the Northeast Valley in Scottsdale, AZ.  During his sanctimonious pilgrimage, Flake outrageously asserted that Mohammad was persecuted like leaders of other faiths.  “Early persecution drove Mohammed from Mecca to Medina,” bellowed Flake.  He forgot about the pit stop Mohammed took to slaughter Jews (the “Banu Qurayza”).

On Obama’s “executive amnesty:

Sen. Jeff Flake: Opposed Obama’s Amnesty Before Voting For It 

Senator Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) voted to fund President Obama’s executive amnesty during the lame-duck session contrary to his earlier statements. He was one of several Senators who had come out against the president’s actions, but then voted much differently. 

On the Iran nuclear deal:

The Iran deal… an interview with Judy Woodruff on the PBS Newshour (below), Flake pretty much tells one all they need to know about this guy. In this interview a reader is left with only two possible impressions:  a) Flake is the most gullible rube to come down the pike, or, b) Jeff Flake is the most gullible rube to come down the pike AND he shares more world and political views with Barack Obama than the national Republican electorate or is possible for one who is committed to the national interest!

We choose “b)”

Despite skepticism of Iran, ‘no good alternatives’ to making a deal, says Sen. Flake (PBS)

SEN. JEFF FLAKE: Well, I think we all recognize that these are legitimate issues and need to be addressed at some point, but I think we came to the realization or at least agreed enough to put that off and to address that at another time and not part of this agreement.

This nuclear agreement is too important.

Too important for who, Senator?


  • Note “Liberty Scores” at Conservative Review are a great source for votes on key matters.
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