Brett Stephens of WSJ unhinged

  • Essentially calls on Republicans to surrender
  • His differences with Hillary mere peccadilloes compared to his disdain for Trump

“If Mrs. Clinton is everything Republicans say she is–an opportunistic, dishonest,incompetent left-wing ideologue—they can at least look forward to a one-term presidency. I know I do.”
Snide and vicious beyond any reasonable bounds, Wall Street Journal columnist and Washington establishment brahmin, Brett Stephens, nearly dampens the pages of one’s copy of the paper with his frothing at the mouth as he spits out his literary venom attacking GOP presidential nominee, Donald Trump.

The Journal has turned its opposition to Trump’s candidacy into a hate-filled orgy of editorial excess unseen, we believe, in modern times. One after another of its editorial board takes his or her turn blasting Mr. Trump’s business dealings, family history, and most of all, his character.

imageedit_19_2330615255It is understood that the Wall Street Journal is an integral part of the Washington establishment. On behalf of its big business constituency and the US Chamber of Commerce, and the political hacks of both parties, it is for open borders and the cheap labor the big companies crave, and the policies that seem to promote “free trade” without regard to the fact that certain proposed policies (TPP) are not even primarily about trade but more about eliminating national sovereignty.

But the utter nastiness of the Journal’s attacks on the GOP nominee are breathtaking, and aimed at not just destroying the candidacy of a Republican in the November election, but to insure that there is never again a challenge to the Washington establishment. Their objective is to insure that what various figures in the Obama administration refer to as the “stupid voters” do not ever, ever think that they can challenge the elites, whether its the Kochs, the Buffetts, the Steyers, the Mark Cubans, the Bloombergs, the Sheldon Adelsons, or the Zuckerbergs. Don’t even think about it!

Brett Stephens has been the lead attack dog in the Journal’s campaign, probably because as a child of high privilege he has always enjoyed the admiration and groveling of lesser beings who hope he will bestow upon them some of the fruits of his connections to wealth and influence, and his vicious sarcasm is seen by them as wisdom.

Here is Brett at his ‘best’, or worst, if you will:

“The central issue in this election isn’t Mr. Trump’s ideas, such as they are. It’s his character, such as it is. The sin in this case is the sinner.

“It will not do for Republicans to say they denounce Mr. Trump’s personal slanders; his nativism and protectionism and isolationism; his mendacity and meanness and crassness; his disdain for constitutional protections–and still campaign for his election. There is no redemption in saying you went along with it, but only halfway; that with Mr. Trump you maintained technical virginity. To lie down with him is to wake up with him. It is as simple as that.”

Oh, and then there is Mr. Stephens’ characterization of Mr. Trump’s opponent and her candidacy:

“Conservative diehards may try to hold fast to the excuse that Hillary Clinton was, is, and always will be “worse” but the argument cannot be sustained indefinitely. Mrs. Clinton is not the apotheosis of evil. She may be a corner-cutter and a liar, and she’ll almost surely appoint liberals to the Supreme Court. But at least she’s not a sociopath.” (Bold type is ours)

To wrap up Stephens’ wise analysis and recommendations, (gag alert!): “If Mrs. Clinton is everything Republicans say she is–an opportunistic, dishonest,incompetent left-wing ideologue—they can at least look forward to a one-term presidency. I know I do.”

(Memo to Brett Stephens: Was Barack Obama not an opportunistic, extraordinarily dishonest, incompetent far left-wing ideologue who has done incredible and probably irreversible damage to this nation, and yet enjoyed a TWO-TERM presidency?)


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