No matter who is guilty of voter fraud – PREVENT IT

  • Recent court rulings striking down some state voting integrity laws serve only to green light voter fraud. *
  • Astonishingly, liberals castigate Republicans when a high-profile Republican commits voter fraud, but want to do nothing about the laxity that enabled it.  Prevention is far more sure than intermittent prosecution.
  • It can only be because liberals are dependent on the laxity of laws to help them at a game they know well

images-15While we will wager that voter fraud is overwhelmingly associated with Democrat voters it does not matter who or why the perpetrators do it, what greater good they think they serve.  The integrity of the vote must be protected no matter who the perps are and that includes Republicans.

Enhancing the integrity of the vote requires eliminating easily manipulable pathways to fraud BECA– USE those pathways are such that it is largely only by luck that vote fraud is caught at the time of the fraudulent vote. After the fact vote prosecution of fraud involves such tedious investigation that prosecutors decline to pursue the matter. It is sad, to say the least, that law enforcement shrugs off the issue as something they can do nothing about, that it will not change the election because the election cannot be walked back due to the secrecy of the ballot. Making an  example of the perps is often declined for corrupt reasons or perceived cost benefit.

So while pathways to fraud are obvious, the laxity of regulatory laws is such that it is rare to catch perpetrators in flagrante delicto. Laws are so ambivalent or judges so politically corrupt that even if a trail is left prosecution is greatly encumbered or fruitless. Aggravating the problem is that public opprobrium is made diffuse by liberal media.  When someone is caught it is too often thought of as a petty crime (it is not) even though the whole purpose is intended to defraud not one or two people or even a company, but the majority of the electorate on profound issues of the day.

Prevention is key and the way to enhance it is simple and in no way seriously burdensome.  The onus should be on those cavalier about  the integrity of the vote, including individual voters too irresponsible or too insentient to obtain a photo ID and register at a reasonable time prior to any vote.

The default rule on early and absentee voting as a matter of fraud prevention and good governance, should be that other than in extenuating circumstances,  voters must show up in person to vote and allow for a dignified time frame for the candidates to have their say and any important information be made available.  Forty-five day election periods are atrocious.  They make as much sense as default voting.  Register as a Democrat or Republican once and your vote is counted as such ever more, perhaps unless you change registration.  Just think– it would greatly increase party ‘turn-out” and overall turn-out — the stated goal of the opponents of voter ID and other anti-fraud efforts.

Here are scandalous cases of Republican voter fraud.  Asstonishingly, instead of admitting that voter fraud goes on, Democrat enablers of voter fraud do not call for bipartisan prevention mechanisms, they simply falsely shout that Republican voter integrity policy advocates “are hypocrites.”  The truth is that the policies those Republicans may have advocated if implemented would have prevented  “Republican” fraud.

The next three links are from liberal blogs/news sources. How liberals in general can exclaim Republican hypocrisy about committing voter fraud and out of the other side of their mouth say it does not exist is beyond us.  No it is not.  It is because they just want to shout “your another,” rather than insure the integrity of the vote, as they proceed to protect the virtual institutionalization of voter fraud for them through laws laxer than in most civilized countries of the world.

Also as regards a scandalous situation that was prosecuted by Republicans perpetrated by a Republican in Indiana —

Court Upholds Half Of Charlie White’s Voter Fraud Conviction

Indiana high court denies Charlie White appeal 

*This article at The Daily Signal (Heritage Foundation) relates to recent court decisions striking down voter integrity laws in some states and what legislative model (Indiana) might be sustained:  After Voter ID Defeats, Lessons From Indiana’s Law That ‘Has Stood Test of Time’

The article generously quotes liberal objections to voter ID laws.  Liberal reasoning is as racist and patronizing and irresponsible as can be, but of course their fellow travelers on the bench just use the complainants brief.

R Mall

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