About those “Republicans” saying they are going to vote FOR Hillary

Here is the story we are hearing endlessly . . . Hillary Clinton Republican voters      

Looking at the list, for the most part . . . we can only say . . .  who??

One thing is clear, they could not have ever been conservatives and they appear to be the usual suspects that regularly undermined Republican programs while still calling themselves “Republican,” — the classic definition of a RINO.



Note that there is no pretense that they will support an alternate candidate in a “third,” party or not vote in the race. No, they are going straight for Hillary.

It is just as well that they have done this. They have now ended their political careers as phony Republicans.  We are also sanguine for another reason — defections are nothing new.  Indeed we hear there are more than a few fairly dependable Democrat voters who will not vote for Hillary, and some will vote for Trump.  Consider this Salon article.

Some of Trump’s strongest supporters are registered Democrats. Here’s why

Of course the Salon article insists that the defectors are racist. OK then, the Republican defectors must be crooks and socialists.

But here is a later article of note, from just two weeks ago: ‘Never Hillary’: Many Bernie Sanders Supporters Are Pledging to Back Trump

Here is what commenter “Hot Dog” had to say responding to an article in Town Hall —  Former Republican Governor Endorses Clinton — about these “new” Hillary supporters :

He (former Michigan Republican Governor Millikan ) is saying, in order to preserve the money and power structure in Wash. DC, that:

1. It is ok to wantonly kill millions of innocent and defenseless babies using taxpayer money.
2. It is ok to divide divisive wedges between the ethnic and racial groups in the USA
3. It is ok hire and promote TOTALLY incompetent government officials based only upon their loyalty to party.
4. He is saying it is ok to REPEATED AND SHAMELULLY LIE to the American People about almost everything to curry and pander for votes.
5. He is saying that gutting our military, at one of the most dangerous times, is ok and then give that money saved to our enemies.
6. He is saying that the more dependent the government can make certain groups of people upon government handouts the better it is for the Democratic Party.
7. He is saying that it is ok to randomly attack and kill policemen because there are a few bad apples in some police departments.
8. He is saying it is ok to allow men to dress as women and then go into women’s bathrooms for untoward reasons.
9. He is saying that it is ok for public officials to steal and be crooked with the taxpayers money.
10. Etc., etc. What a democrat. Please do not call him a Republican any more.

Or, those sentiments might be expressed in this pictograph:











R Mall

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