Any Republican who goes along with Harry Reid is as reptilian as he is

BkkCWNKIcAAs11AHarry Reid is out there saying Republicans Senators up for reelection can save themselves by voting to allow Obama nominee Merrick Garland  to advance to replace Justice Anton Scalia on the Supreme Court.  Reid ~helpfully~ argues that Democrats could force a vote on US high court nominee Garland with some Republican support and that would show that those Republicans are distancing themselves from Trump.  Ever-so-subtly infused in Reid’s message is that Garland is the best the Republicans are going to get anyway because Trump is going down.

The truth is Garland is as bad as we are going to get, meaning he will be just as bad as any Hillary nominee on key issues of religious freedom, right to life, Second Amendment, immigration, politcal speech,  etc, etc., etc.

Our message demand to Mitch McConnell is to use every maneuver there is to stop Democrat court nominees, now and forever. It is what Reid would do.

That is how Republicans will save themselves and the country.  If Reid was confident of a Hillary victory he would not bother himself offering such “helpful” advice. Republicans who go along with Democrats to push hearings on a nominee will only demoralize the base signaling their loser mentality, and reduce their support among conservative Republicans and independents more than they will gain from Democrats and Democrat leaning independents.  It will also demoralize Republicans in general, but that is the substance of  Reid’s snake oil.

R Mall

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