Hope…but no Change

  • Regarding justice and Crooked Hillary


Reading Thomas Lifson at American Thinker:

Can we really believe that a federal prosecution of the Clinton Foundation is underway

“I wonder if James Comey is playing a long game? He knew that Loretta Lynch would never go after Hillary Clinton over her breaches of law regarding the treatment of classified information. There is just too much wiggle room. And besides, the public would not be able to see the evidence since it is classified. If you are going to go after somebody that powerful, the public needs to grasp very tangibly what the crime was.

“It may well be that he saw a stronger case, much easier to prove and transparently corrupt in appearance to the public, in the Clinton Foundation maneuvers he saw from recovered emails. And then there are Wikileaks emails yet to come.”

“Never lose hope” is the watchword of the “sensible optimist”.

And then there’s the view of the “cynical pessimists” among us…we prefer to be called “realists”.

How many of us were elated when Trey Gowdy was named to the “Select Committee” to get to the bottom of the Benghazi scandal?

And how many more of us were ecstatic to learn that a couple of “no-nonsense” federal judges were on the case of the IRS’s rampant illegality??

And, boy, who among us could barely contain ourselves when news of the Hillary Clinton email “scandal” (termed a load of ‘bull’ by her loyal spouse) broke???

With Judges Emmett Sullivan and Reggie Walton, and standup guys like Trey Gowdy and “Big Jim” Comey on the side of the “people”, at last the lawlessness and unconstitutional behavior by the federal government was, at last, going to be halted and punished!

In every case, the media and the “guardians of justice”, however, ultimately found that “there was no there there” in any of it.

As the courageous FBI Director declared that, well, yeah, Secretary Clinton lied to the American people repeatedly but there was no indication that she “intended” to commit a crime, the “HOPE” seemed to die, even among the optimists…but only temporarily!

Mr. Lifson concludes with, “I am keeping my fingers crossed. And postponing a final verdict on Comey.”


(And maybe Hillary and Bill really intended to honor all the charity, quid -pro-quo, and reporting laws. Yep, no foul, move along.  R Mall

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