Kaepernick — sic semper follis

A has-been athlete, poorly informed and ill-educated, manipulated by the worst elements of society whose purpose is the exploitation of a beleaguered community, inspired by a maliciously bitter president who despises the nation and the very people who elected him, Colin Kaepernick serves, for the moment, as a pathetic icon of a malodorous movement.

For now, this repulsive character can enjoy his status as a wildly celebrated ‘champion’ of an equally repulsive initiative (BLM), endorsed by a corrupted White House. Soon enough, his usefulness in promoting despair and bitterness among those he possibly believes, as fools often do, he is ‘helping’, will no longer be of value to his manipulators and he may then fade from the public eye… to enjoy his millions$.

Sic semper follis? (So always it is with fools)    DLH

Colin Kaepernick’s Practice Socks: Pig With A Cop’s Hat    (excerpt from Daily Wire)

colin_kaepernicks_socksSince the images of the socks began to circulate, more law enforcement officials have spoken out against Kaepernick, including Bill Johnson, a leader of one of the nation’s largest police organizations, who condemned the quarterback and the leagu

“It’s just ridiculous that the same league that prohibits the Dallas (Cowboys) football club from honoring the slain officers in their community with their uniforms stands silent when Kaepernick is dishonoring police officers with what he’s wearing on the field,” Johnson told USA TODAY Sports. “I think the league is in a downward spiral regarding their obligations to the public under (Commissioner) Roger Goodell, and this is just another example of that.”

Adenda: In the article Kaepernicjk continues to defend his insult to the nation that has given him so much with words to the effect that bad police give all police a bad name and that they are all guilty unless they do something about it. Thus the socks.  Never mind that bad cops are fired as they are found out and if their conduct happened to be criminal, they are prosecuted.  Kaeperneck just wants to be able to define what chronic illegal behavior in “the community” should be gingerly treated to the ultimate degradation of “the community.”

Of course Colin Kaepernick is not experienced in living in “the community,” experienced with detrimental discrimination, or with ever being part of law enforcement.   But that does not stop him from pontificating, (with about as much depth as His Humbleness Holiness on matters of economics and science).

Kaepernick compares cop training  unfavorably  to less than that required of cosmetologists and seems to suggest that cops really need to be lawyers (a profession not untouched by the criminal element). The truth is that most police departments dealing with “the community” now require at least an associates degree, psychological and background checks, an intense academy training typically for five to six months after hire but before deployment to the streets, and what amounts to a close supervised apprenticeship after that. Of course if he wants to compare job requirements, professional football standards are apparently non-existent as to intelligence or discernment, players or NFL management.

By the way, it just struck me given this guys load of festering resentment,  isn’t “Colin” probably a slave holders name, as white as its origin? But then many an African  substitute would be as well would it not, given that forms of inter-tribal slavery were endemic in Africa? And going for a substitute Islamic name, if that is his game plan as part of his rumored religious conversion, corruption of Islam or not, many an Islamic imperialist engaged in it.  Whats a guy going to do?       R Mall

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