Liberals – real life incredibles*

  • Hypocrisy and scandal mongering toward Republicans when there is no scandal, cover-up regarding Democrats when there is.  Alicia Machado is a real-time Clinton bimbo.
  • Alicia Machado accusations given the Juanita Broaddrick, Eileen Wellston, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Regina Hopper Blakely, Kathleen Willey, Sandra Allen James, Kathy Bradshaw, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, Dolly Kyle Browning, Sally Perdue, Linda Tripp treatment by the liberal press  — NOT!
  • Tax avoiding New York Times accuses Donald Trump of tax avoidance.

Last week the left made fools of themselves (well, to rational people that is) as regards trying to make a cause celeb of Alicia Machado, a true bimbo and of course on Clinton’s side (see links). We thought the whole matter was adequately treated by objective conservative outlets, which is also how Trump should have let it be handled,  and we did not comment.

Now we have the New York Times revealing and extrapolating from 2 or 3 pages of stolen pages from a Donald Trump  state tax return of 21 years ago to imply he is some sort of scofflaw or hypocrite because he paid no federal taxes that year due to huge loses and has, under the tax laws, the privilege (duty in the exercise of common sense) to carry tax losses forward.   Oh, and the New York Times pursues the same sort of tax relief, just two years ago, but using more arcane rules..

From James Freeman at the Wall Street Journal (excerpt)

Trump’s Taxes  

The New York Times says it received an anonymous gift of three pages from Donald Trump’s state tax returns from 1995, showing a loss of $916 million. The Times speculates—in its news pages, not its opinion pages—that the resulting tax deduction “could have allowed him to legally avoid paying an y federal income taxes for up to 18 years.” Naturally, the left is expressing outrage that the IRS taxes business profits, not losses.

But where is the progressive ire directed at the Clintons, who in two presidential terms and eight years in the Senate enjoyed various opportunities to tweak the tax code to their liking? We should also mention that the Clintons house much of their own wealth in the Clinton Foundation, where it can support their political ambitions tax-free. While there is no evidence Mr. Trump did anything illegal, a Journal editorial notes, “What is illegal in this story is that someone disclosed Mr. Trump’s tax returns without his permission.”

Mr. Trump lost a lot of money building casinos, and former Sen. Phil Gramm warns in our pages today that insurance companies could lose a lot of money building roads and bridges. In “The Subprime Superhighway,” Mr. Gramm notes that financial regulators in Europe and the U.S. are creating incentives for insurers to invest in infrastructure projects promising little return.

Trump responds to New York Times story about leak of illegally obtained tax return:

“Mr. Trump is a highly-skilled businessman who has a fiduciary responsibility to his business, his family and his employees to pay no more tax than legally required. That being said, Mr. Trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in property taxes, sales and excise taxes, real estate taxes, city taxes, state taxes, employee taxes and federal taxes. Mr. Trump knows the tax code far better than anyone who has ever run for President and he is the only one that knows how to fix it.”

Related reading regarding liberal media and Machado and Clinton press

Willey: Hillary complicit in Bill’s sexual misconduct
‘What it’s about is actions his wife has taken against women he raped and assaulted’

Trump Tweets About Machado’s Sex Tape – She Responds By Getting Naked, Defiling The Flag

Alicia Machado Is 2016’s Sandra Fluke, A Democratic Public Relations Scam

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