The perfect, the strange and the absurd in Halloween costumes

The perfect:

















The strange:

TN forwards this Halloween themed get-out-the vote for Obamacare ad. It strikes us as strange as it did him. Of course it is misleading. Republican “repeal and replace” plans include accommodation for pre-existing conditions.  But leave it to Democrats to exalt coverage for made-up character conditions, sort of like their advocacy for coverage of sex-change mutilations. Of course Obamacare is not about life as much as control. They will decide what is meaningful treatment, who gets what, who is denied. Their talk of taxpayer-funded abortion at any time for any reason belies any life advocacy.  The greatest monsters “covered” by  Obamacare are the abortionists, the death dealers to the elderly and infirm, the nihilism at its core, and of course the goddamned bureaucrats.

The absurd:

Mitt Romney dressed up as himself.  He no doubt did so thinking it is funny, perhaps self-deprecating. Not shown are the goodie two shoes. What is not funny is the persona he has taken on now.  In the face of the greatest threat to the continuation of the country as a constitutional republic,  Romney has irresponsibly validated Republicans who had comparatively overwrought concerns over his apostasies, and background, and who therefore could not make a distinction between him and Obama as far as the more dangerous to conservatism and the country.  They proceeded to not vote the presidential race or voted for impossible alternatives, helping give Obama four more years.  They were absurd. With that history, Romney has nevertheless sworn to never, ever, ever vote for Trump, his conscience won’t allow it.  Romney has turned into an absurdity mask or no mask.        R Mall
















Below is one more scare for the hell of it —  this two-headed monster  —


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