Editor DLH hopes for and has worked hard for a Trump win, but anticipates that Democrat machinations control. 

Previously here at Veritaspac.com

Projecting local and general observations — Trump wins
Posted on November 7, 2016 by Designated2

One editor’s hopeful impressions — social media, yard signs, bumper stickers, Trump events, recent polling, crooked Hillary — Trump wins the state and the presidency. Our illustrious senior editor may venture forth separately.

Veritaspac’s Founder, Chairman, Chief Operating Officer and Managing Editor, Mr. Mall , has offered his “hopeful impressions” regarding today’s ‘big event’, (is it here already?), the election of a president other than the dictator posing as a president that we have now.

Somewhat characteristically, Roger offers us a generous glimmer of hope. Hope that the most ethically challenged, dishonest, wildly incompetent candidate for president ever (exception possibly being the current occupant of the Oval Office) will not win!

He has put a mild amount of pressure on yours truly to weigh in with my impressions.

And so, just for the record, I share my thoughts on this subject:

As I am sure Roger fully anticipated, my impressions are somewhat less sanguine than his. I’ve been accused of “having a glass nine tenths empty”, a few quarts short of a sunny outlook.

I fear that I may live up (or down) to such characterization as we look to today’s outcome.

When Americans wake up Wednesday and pull the shades up, the question is, will they be greeted with another “Morning in America”…or by the gloom of a “Midnight for Our Republic”?

My “impressions”:

– The “hidden vote”. This is the happy belief that there are a lot of Trump voters out there who have intended all along to vote for the Donald but did not relish the prospect of many of their friends and neighbors knowing it. In some neighborhoods, a legitimate fear of vandalistic reprisal is a definite factor. This belief spawns the notion that these folks number in the millions across the nation, the thousands in neighborhoods all over America.

This is one ‘impression’ I find to be somewhat valid. My experience has been in my own neighborhood . I know of several staunch conservatives to whom I’ve offered a “Trump-Spence” yard sign who have politely refused but I am certain will vote for the ticket. However…

– The “Fraudulent vote”. This represents my personal belief that this is what, sadly, is likely to carry the day. One must begin with accepting the fact that the corruption of this Obama administration is all-pervasive, merciless, and single-minded, and aided by virtually every powerful influence on public opinion…the news and opinion media, the entertainment industry, much of Corporate America, the “social media”, the Washington elite establishment, the many billionaire special interests, and on and on.

500 DOJ agents have been deployed to voting districts throughout the nation. Does anyone think they have been sent to discourage or investigate vote fraud or intimidation? Under Eric Holder this dept. refused to prosecute New Black Panther thugs in Philadelphia for voter intimidation in 2008, despite the FBI’s success in achieving ironclad indictments. Has Loretta Lynch demonstrated any behavior which would conflict in the slightest with the Obama-Holder theory of “justice”?

– Our president, in the final days of this campaign, has actually ‘subtly’ suggested to an Hispanic reporter that voting by illegal aliens is pretty much a “protected “right. He seemed more than just hinting that they need not fear any repercussions. (http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/11/analyze-this-20.php).

What seems to be overlooked in all of the various theories which tend to reject the possibility that this election could be decided by illegal voting, especially by non-citizens, is that it does not take millions of such voters. Only a few hundred or thousand illegal votes, many able to show “Voter ID” issued by “sanctuary” cities and states, strategically deployed can turn this election. Given the data the Obama-Clinton machine has accumulated and ‘weaponized’, with the help of the Democratic Party’s silicon valley enablers I would suggest that a stolen election is not only possible but likely! (Scoff if you wish)

– And what about all that enthusiasm at every Trump event? Thousands packing every venue at which Trump appears; thousands more unable to get in but cheering from outside. Virtually unprecedented in recent times, certainly as far as GOP candidates are concerned, can this phenomenon be discounted?

No…well, actually, yes it can, and has been to a large extent by the mainstream media. But, even though it may be real and powerful, will it translate into Trump voters overwhelming the number of leftist indoctrinated youth, the low information crowd, the Democratic party’s built-in dependency throngs, various leftist clergy and ‘ministries”, and as noted above, the chicanery we can expect to see at the polling place?

I’m not quite on the banks of the River Styx, viewing the sign over the gates of hell, “Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here”, but in the absence of almost supernatural intervention, I fear that America may have reached the twilight of its role as “that Shining City on a Hill”.

No one will be happier than for this dark outlook to be proven outlandishly absurd than I.
God Bless America!       DLH

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