Observations on the ever-moving scene

previewRegarding Trump’s key appointments . . . Shouldn’t there be some nod to ~~ earning your way back in? 

For many this will smack of same-ol’- same ol’ and not draining the swamp.

This is not a joke…although the National Review has become one!

A Trump Nomination to Heal the Party: Kelly Ayotte   She of condoms like candy and draft women fame. Her consideration for the job is also reported in the Washington Post .    Hopefully it is just “flooding the zone” with happy-talk or something but given the depth of the Republican bench on defense matters just  . . . why?  Indeed seriously better would be  Michelle Bachmann, who has had every bit the defense and intelligence experience.  Note to NRO – why not heal the nation and appoint Michelle Obama?

Even worse is the suggestion of Bob Corker for Secretary of State. Seriously — after his subterfuge on the Iran treaty and just being a general establishment toady!!  Best Trump’s communication people quash that rumor, post-haste.

The good news: Pope Francis “declined to give a personal judgement on President-elect Donald Trump”

The “other news”: unconfirmed rumor has it, il Papa still has his “I’m with her” bumper sticker on his Fiat 500.

As the story goes . . .  In a gesture of good will, the Vatican delivered its best wishes to the incoming US president:

“The Vatican’s highest-ranking diplomat wished Trump well in government on Wednesday, saying he would pray for the President-elect’s “enlightenment.”
Asked about Trump, Pope says his concern is for politicians’ impact on the poor .  . .

So if you do not agree with the Pope’s favored economic policy, Marxism, you need prayers for enlightenment.  Never mind Francis’s way has been tried and found disastrous over and over again, but no one dares tell him.  With this Pope people may just wrap themselves in the cloak of “caring,” while obviating tried and true principle of subsidiarity. Superior results for the poor just do not matter. His is the triumph of theory and wishful thinking over substance (and an evil theory at that).

The article helpfully points out earlier unsubtle comments from Pope Francis

Earlier this year, the pope suggested Trump’s stance on immigration, which included a campaign pledge to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border to keep out illegal immigrants, was “not Christian”. . . .A papal spokesman later said this was not a personal attack. 

Well it was an impersonal attack then, which is so much better.   For the record, we will believe the sincerity of the Pope’s “not Christian” comment when he tears down the Vatican walls. Oh, and when he directs  that the Vatican and Catholic churches everywhere to shut off all air-conditioning.


OMG!  what will happen to us!!

Melania Trump Wore a Funereal Black Dress at the White House

Yahoo covers the political scene with the insight, objectivity, and eloquence of a 12 year old Sidwell Friends academic.

Melania, who usually favors clothing in light colors such as white, powder blue, and pink,wore a black ensemble at the third presidential debate in October. The Ralph Lauren jumpsuit with a pussy-bow tie detail had many social media users wondering if the dark shade symbolized that Melania was in mourning in anticipation of her husband losing the election.

screen-shot-2016-11-12-at-5-55-12-pmOf course the fashion mavens also found deep meaning in what the Clinton’s wore to their funeral Hillary’s concession speech. The showing of purple as inferring something about  unity or red-state-blue-state.  We note she mostly wore black.  Anyway, given that purple is the color of royalty, we sort of think it is more like a “we are still royal and you are still  our subjects” message.

DLH with R Mall

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One Response to Observations on the ever-moving scene

  1. DLH says:

    Well, with Corker and Ayotte in the administration, how about JEB Bush as Education Secretary…it wouldn’t take a lot of energy. And he be effective in implementing “Common Bore” (I mean ‘core’)
    Seriously, there is no dumber idea than Bob Corker as Secretary of Defense…or in any other job in the Trump administration. Alarmingly, this proposition is being floated more widely than just the WashPost.
    But while we are ‘reaching across the aisle’ for talent, why not Susan Rice for ambassador to Benghazi and Gary Johnson as Secretary of the Army?
    Or, how about some suggestions from Veritas readers?

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