“Deplorables” may have literally ‘dodged a bullet’ last Tuesday

Ask yourself  — who was always more likely to riot, burn, threaten

This isn’t a foray into deep thoughts; the question and its answer are too obvious.

Clarice Feldman at American Thinker: CTRL-L: The Left Loses Its Unremitting Fight for Control

“The riots continue, though we know many are paid demonstrations of the sort Dem shills Move On and OWS are known for. And the question’s been raised, why has the president not stopped them. Is he trying for leverage to force Trump to clear him and other administration officials of the wrongdoing they think is about to be revealed?”

Patricia McCarthy also at American Thinker:  About those rioters…   

“Since the 1920s, it has always been leftists who fomented and promoted violence as a means to their endgame. But our media for months gleefully warned that Trump supporters would riot in the streets if he lost. That never would have happened and they know it.”

The left inflicts violence to get what they want, including to punish, and so . . . “Deplorables” may have literally ‘dodged a bullet’ last Tuesday

Just who do you think is more likely to usher into America brutal totalitarianism? A Democratic Party which spawned a wannabe dictator whose rule for the past 8 years has created the greatest divisiveness perhaps in the nation’s history, and a would-have-been-successor promising even more of the same? Or, a Republican administration headed by a successful businessman who has shown every indication of actually loving this country?

Your answer is out in the streets of many large cities and on college campuses at this moment.

The former, the now far left Democratic Party had promised, through its nominee, to continue the authoritarianism and downright nastiness of the Obama administration. Most telling and easily most alarming signature pronouncement of Hillary Clinton was her assessment of the “irredeemableness” of millions of American citizens.

When national leaders draw such conclusions about their own citizens, what often follows are some of history’s darkest eras…gulags, pogroms, holocausts!

We realize that to even suggest such possible consequences of the Democratic Party left’s mindset is apt to set off another round of “righteous rioting” and shock and grief that anyone should even utter such libel.

Nevertheless, the behavior of America’s left to the election of a new president who does not seem to share their ideas of the utopian society is quite telling, and should be very sobering to the good people of this great nation.

I believe that my concerns about the man elected in the past two cycles was shared by a great many Americans, especially those who were aware that this was a person whose work experience was mainly as a “community” agitator with no record of having accomplished anything of positive value. A person who considered a man most famous for calling for the damnation of America to be his “spiritual mentor”. An eventual “First Couple” whose feminine half announced that she was never proud of her country until it chose her husband to lead it; the president who declared he would not wear an American flag pin on his chest for reasons which became quite apparent later…the country did not reflect his ideas of a good place.

And yet, despite our well-founded misgivings about this man and his ideology, his authority was accepted as were his predecessors’ and perhaps even moreso because of the historic significance of his race.

We didn’t riot; and under the tutelage of their leftist professors,the college students did not weep and cower in fear, but rather were joyous about the coming governance they were both ill-informed and ill-conditioned to “gratefully” accept.

Imagine now, if Hillary had been elected. The thugs who are now violently acting out, destroying the property of fellow citizens and the non-citizens who are announcing that the country’s fairly elected future leader is “not their president” (instead of going back to wherever “their” president resides) would now be daring any who voted for Mr. Trump to utter words in the slightest opposition to their preference.

And, it is not hard to imagine the demands these well financed mobs would put on Hillary to fulfill her rhetoric to deal with “deplorables, iredeemables, xenophobes, racists, misogynists, etc”!

Is there a doubt? Our current president, throughout his 8 years in office has not been shy about declaring police to be acting “stupidly”, or declaring the innocence of black persons killed by police even when facts clearly contradict his “verdict”.

But when Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter rampage in the streets, this so-called “president of all the people” seems to have nothing to say.

And now that the cities are aflame with the refusal of leftist mobs to ‘accept the results’ of a duly Constitutional election, where is our great leader? And Hillary…?

Americans need to soberly evaluate “what would Hillary have done”?       DLH

NY Post editorial  Scenes from the liberal meltdown  


Anyone expressing support for Trump has become the target of unrestrained venom: There are calls to boycott New Balance — its sneakers have been publicly burned — because an official said Trump would be better on trade issues.

Meanwhile, the CEO of Grubhub, the online food-delivery service, demanded that employees who agree with Trump resign, because “you have no place here.” (He had to retreat: His lawyers read him the First Amendment and noted that political discrimination also violates California law.)

This is just vicious stuff. But for pure pathos crossing into the absurd, we turn (as usual) to the college campus. Consider:

  • The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)
  • The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.
  • Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.
  • Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)
  • At campuses from elite Yale to Connecticut to Iowa and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach.

Anarchist-fueled violence and destruction can’t be tolerated. Nor should corporate (or anti-corporate) temper tantrums that blatantly violate free-speech rights.

Collegiate sobbing and wailing, on the other hand, shouldn’t be tolerated — especially not by the parents who are shelling out tens of thousands of dollars to pay for it.

And they all should consider that their reaction to Trump’s win goes a long way towards explaining precisely why he did.


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