The usual suspects will work overtime to subvert the election

  • Academia and dominant media beside themselves — Hell hath no fury like liberals scorned
  • National Public Radio:  distorted, untruthful…and unafraid — your tax dollars at work.

th-5Clarice Feldman’s  column today predicts the media tone of the next four years.  It will be a term where Barack Obama will guest every show with his unique combination of ‘folksy’, ‘g’-dropping, personal attacks, and gross distortions of facts and reality.  The usual suspects of course includes academia.  Clarice had this insight:

With the media and universities almost entirely in the hands of the left, the punishment of dissenters is left to neurotic pedants and their immature students, paid thugs, and illegal immigrants and minorities revved up by false narratives about the president-elect and his inner circle.

In the academic monoculture of the left, dissenting speakers are banned from campus, shouted down and mobbed on stage if allowed in. Their tormentors are given Play-doh, coloring books, and safe spaces to shield them from any other point of view. Even elementary students are not exempt from such tyranny and propaganda. Teachers are urging kids to skip class to protest elections they aren’t old enough to vote in. San Francisco teachers have fashioned an alternate curriculum which attacks the president-elect, and suggests that those who follow it might not even alert their students to the fact that Hillary lost the election.  

It’s quite obvious that many protestors are paid to do so and a good many — perhaps more than half — never voted or even registered to do so. 

If you bound and crippled your children and forever weakened them you’d be guilty of child abuse. Yet parents spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to allow their children to be emotionally and intellectually handicapped. It’s paradoxical, to be sure.

Much more insight is contained in the article ,with analysis and quotes, but to add to the  starkness of the media meltdown over Trump’s election Feldman linked to this montage put together by the Media Research Council.

NPR knows what is best for you

You probably know some “educated” people who will openly admit that National Public Radio (NPR) is their primary “news” source.  Full story at Breitbart, excerpt here:

NPR: After Pollak, No More Live Interviews for Conservatives

They’re NPR listeners were apparently outraged that anyone from Breitbart News had been given an opportunity to defend the website and its chairman.

In her response, “Listeners: Two Recent Interviews Are ‘Normalizing Hate Speech’,” Jensen concluded that the live format had allowed Pollak to get the better of host Steve Inskeep.

She suggested that future interviews be taped: “In addition, in my opinion, these interviews should not be done live. Inskeep is an excellent live interviewer, but live interviews are difficult, especially when there is limited time. A little contextualizing never hurts.”        . . .

Jensen went on to argue that “contextualizing” had worked for a similar interview with former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, as well as for an interview Nov. 17 with white nationalist Richard Spencer. (Pollak responded to the latter interview in an article Nov. 18rejecting NPR’s attempt to link Bannon and Breitbart with white nationalism.)

Jensen applauded the use of the term “white nationalist” to describe Bannon, although she noted Bannon had disputed that term. She linked to an internal NPR memorandum suggesting the term “white nationalist” be used in stories on the “alt-right.”


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