You’ve asked for our take (well, maybe not), but here it is V’pac fans!

screen-shot-2016-11-25-at-5-16-46-pmOK,OK…we understand. Everyone’s on pins and needles to hear our take on the prospect of Mitt Romney as Secretary of State.

So, here goes. We’ll be brief…see no need to belabor what many people are already aware of.

First off, the nasty things he said about Trump during the campaign both before The Donald became the nominee and after. To the very end, Mitt was promoting a 3rd party candidate…any 3rd party candidate, thus tacitly supporting Hillary.

Pretty nasty, dangerous stuff. Typical GOP establishment “loser strategy”.

But that isn’t why we would be adamantly opposed to Romney as Sec. of State.

We oppose that pick because he is only about one degree of separation from a John Kerry in that post. Mitt’s a Massachusetts liberal, a “RomneyCare”/Obamacare proponent…a pretty much ‘down-the-line’ establishment guy.

It causes one to wonder, ‘why Mitt?”, why not JEB?; worse yet, was John Kasich on the short list?

Our first pick is John Bolton. We understand opposition to Bolton because of his close identity with G W Bush…and of late, we’re leery of a Bush association, too. Although we’d still prefer Bolton despite that reservation, Giulianni is easily the next best pick. He’s strong on national security, a solid friend of Israel and current and potential US allies  in the Middle East (ie. Egypt, Jordan) and he’s a direct opposite of the type of people the US has been dragged down by for the past 8 years with the parade of clowns Obama and Valerie Jarrett have preferred.

Mitt can find solace with JEB, the Bush family, and the US Chamber of Commerce.

There! Wasn’t that worth waiting for?  DLH

PS — also, as Mark Steyn  said today, words to effect, its not so much that Romney had tough things to say about Trump, it’s that we don’t believe he will be tough in defending America’s interests

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