Pinch me, could it be true!!

This is a screen grab yesterday from the lead scroll item (for a time) of the typically sensational headlines from AOL’s homepage .



th-2Talk about warming the cockles of our conservative heart, putting a spring to our walk, a smile on our face and a happy tear of relief that the long nightmare could be over so quickly.

The thing is, it could largely be true if Republican leadership pursues their party’s platform. It absolutely does not mean conceding Constitutional power. It means for the most part respecting the Republican platform which also respects the Constitution.

Beyond the first day, and Trump doing what can legitimately be done as the chief executive (elements of which are arguably set forth in the AOL article referenced)  one of the chief impediments to much success in the first 100 days is in the Senate in the form of any deference by McConnell being given the filibuster. In the hands of Democrats the filibuster is not a protector of state’s rights or small government or the Constitution. It is as likely to be used as  a protector of big government, special interest, unconstitutional things and less the  minority rights of the people as minority predilections of some senators. It is an internal rule of convenience as often used by the supposed majority to hide behind.  We prefer reverting back to each state appointing their senators as the Founding Fathers designed   our check’s and balance system.

The article while a useful listing, is heavily dosed with snark. Some of what is maintained about what Trump can or will do is not necessarily what he actually said he will do, but if they want to provide a road map. we are listening. Suffice it to say, if Obama or his cabinet departments, did something, Trump can legally see to undoing it. Not well addressed in the article, is that the things Obama did to the country include what he neglected or refused to enforce, the things he did end runs around.  Trump can fix that situation as well.

We say, use executive power to undo previous use of executive power and overreach.  That is appropriate and expedient. Then, with Congress, rein it in by law.  Excerpts from the article, there is more of note, just ignore the snark:

Trump could essentially erase Obama’s presidency on his first day in office 

When it comes to fighting immigration from outside of the U.S., Trump will have even more power. Though his infamous proposed ban on all Muslims entering the U.S. is legally dubious, he can ban all immigrants coming from certain countries, using Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which, as quoted in the Detroit Free Press, states, “Whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States,” the president can prevent them from entering legally for “such period as he shall deem necessary.”      . . .

Trump’s first day in office could also bring about a swift end to this week’s victory for the Dakota Access pipeline protesters. Trump will be able to authorize construction on both the Dakota pipeline and the Keystone XL pipeline — which is likely to happen, considering that Trump has reportedly invested in the companies behind both.

Other things that are well within the realm of possibility for Trump’s first day include beginning the process of appointing a new Supreme Court justice and dismantling the Iran nuclear agreement, which Vox reports could be done by issuing an executive order that re-imposes U.S. economic sanctions that were lifted as part of the deal. Trump has also said that he will call a meeting with military personnel on his first day in office, in which he will give them 30 days to formulate a plan to defeat ISIS.

R Mall

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