OMG! The specter of Russians hacking e-mails

Are we sure it wasn’t Spectre?

17xrye-1How pathetic is our dominant news media?  How desperate can they be to delegitimize Trump’s election?  They are breathless over the story of the CIA reporting there is evidence Russians (implication “Russia”) hacked e-mails and leaked the information gathered to impact the US presidential election. They believe Americans cannot connect the dots because of how they will obfuscate and misdirect the story.

th-6Americans know Russians spying is nothing new. It is the equivalent of “DOG BITES MAN”.  So what if that part is true. Sort of like the Zimmerman Note, the story is not some sort of international 4th Amendment protections, or that spying goes on,  but the truth and implications of what was revealed. Hillary manipulated her way to the nomination. Bernie Sanders was given a raw deal. Wikileaks has long denied Russian government involvement but is in the business of revealing information about the powers that be it believes nefarious.  The DNC has been revealed as nefarious. Why is that not the story?

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

th-4Regardless of who was responsible for hacking or leaking them, what was revealed in the Democrat Party (DNC) e-mails “hacked” is that Hillary and company were liars and otherwise underhanded with their fellow Democrats.

There is also the likelihood that the CIA by way of the FBI has evidence that the Russians and at least four other “foreign intelligence agencies” likely hacked Hillary’s private unapproved unsecure e-mail server which she risked national security using, and which she lied about as to what went through, now determined to have included national secrets. Where were the breathless page one stories about that?

th-8If the Russian government did do it, it is so deep and sophisticated an intrigue that the Liechtenstein security agency could do the same thing, (or a hobbyist computer hacker from Hoboken running it through Russia for kicks). Incredibly, daughter Hillary, having killed “mother” national security and “father” truth about so much wants sympathy for being an “orphan” and the victim of those who ratted her out.

This is not a case of some entity planting phony evidence or selective evidence. If it were, where is the exculpatory evidence?  This is a situation where the Clintonistas, because they control so much of the media, believe they can make anybody but them the issue. They tried to do that with Linda Tripp in the Monica Lewinsky matter.

Schumer Urges Congress to Conduct Full Review of Election Hacking Claims After ‘Stunning’ CIA Report 

th-2Newly elected Democratic Senate Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has said that the new CIA report that claims Russia propelled Donald Trump to the presidency via hacking schemes is “stunning” but not surprising. He is now urging Congress to order a full review of the potential hack and its impact on the vote.

We say fine, give him a proper review.  The roads still lead to the Clintons. Follow every leaked e-mail from John Podesta to Hillary and others. Explore their implications with the Clinton Foundation and pay to play and also the unavoidable matter of the use by Hillary of a private server endangering national security. This time with a Trump justice Department to turn the evidence over to. No immunity this time around because so much is already known. The  incentives to tell the truth being perjury or obstruction charges.

Obama Orders Full Review of Election Hacking Claims, Lends Jill Stein Credibility

th-7President Barack Obama has ordered a “full review” of hacking-relating activity aimed at disrupting last month’s presidential election and he expects that report before he leaves office on Jan. 20, a top White House official said Friday.

The hacked DNC e-mails revealed the home-grown disruption of the Democrat primary process. The Russians did not disrupt the general election unless truth disrupts.  We think the Trump apparat’s response to all this is lame. “Move on” hell, let’s open it up “biggly.” And Trump is wrong to taunt the CIA of 15 years ago about the matter of WMD’s in Iraq and the responsibility the intelligence entailed.  Reopen the whole e-mail matter, give the matter of Hillary’s criminal security breaches and the supposed Russians and the DNC e-mails and the Clinton Foundation pay to play a thorough airing toward a cleansing  of the body politic, and send her to jail.

R Mall

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