Manners, OK, now how about skipping the sophomoric analysis

“Manners, Even in the Age of Trump” 

The above is the title of a column by Kevin Williamson in the National Review OnLine this past Friday.

Williamson, in the view of currently disillusioned NR readers including this one, is one of the most scurrilous columnists on either side of the political spectrum to come along in a long time. He and Jonah Goldberg are probably the two most (conservative?) “NeverTrumpers” to emerge in the recent presidential election campaign. Goldberg has a serious problem containing himself when writing about Trump but Williamson descends to record breaking depths in his sheer hatred for Trump, and apparently anyone who, in his view, was dumb enough to vote for him.

This column, though, is extraordinary even for Williamson. This excerpt should be regarded as such a hateful embarrassment to the National Review, that it should drop the obviously deranged Williamson from its stable…and maybe assist him in getting serious help before he harms himself or others.

Here is what he wrote Friday (Note our highlighted portion). Readers can make their own assessment. We report, you decide:

“Every day presents a struggle between the better angels of our nature and the inner chimp. The inner chimp is always there, and, sometimes, he wins. The inner chimp shows up in unexpected places, not the least of them the cabin of a JetBlue airliner at JFK airport in New York preparing to take Ivanka Trump, daughter of the president-elect, to wherever it was she was going.

“By now you have heard the story: A fellow by the name of Matthew Lasner, a professor at New York’s Hunter College, tweeted that his husband (oh, that 21st-century English!) had spied Ivanka Trump and her child on a flight and was “chasing them down to harass them.” His husband, Daniel Goldstein, apparently did just that, berating the mother and child until he and his husband were escorted off the airplane.

“I suppose that by now regular readers of National Review will have figured out that my sympathy for the Trumps is . . . limited. My own view is that Donald and Ivanka and Uday and Qusay are genuinely bad human beings and that the American public has made a grave error in entrusting its highest office to this cast of American Psycho extras. That a major political party was captured by these cretins suggests that its members are not worthy of the blessings of this republic.

“But here we are.

“I also believe that the Clinton family is more of a crime syndicate than an abortive political dynasty and that the Americans who support them are at best in need of some criticism and are in many cases genuinely bad citizens. That a major political party was captured by these cretins suggests that its members are not worthy of the blessings of this republic.

“But, again, here we are. “

(Note: Look who’s calling others “cretins”! Kevin, look in the mirror!)

Here’s a columnist who feels as I do about Kevin Williamson’s latest contribution to the NR Online

National Review owes an apology to the Trump family


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