If the e-mails are untrue — where is the refutation

More insight into the “divert attention” gambit

A thought:

I’m just a voter. I have no idea who hacked into the DNC or John Podesta’s emails, but I was disturbed by the content.

The release of the DNC hack coincided with the Democratic convention, costing Debbie Wasserman Shultz her chairmanship. Wikileaks trickled John Podesta’s emails out during the campaign. Except for a tepid pushback by Donna Brazille, there’s been no real dispute regarding the authenticity of the emails.

Leaked emails show the Hillary Clinton campaign colluded with the DNC and the media against Bernie Sanders. Not just the greedy butcher’s “thumb on the scale” help, but the dagger in the back type. Real money, information, and dirty tricks. They spread atheism rumors. Discussed leaking photos of Bernie and his wife at a resort to imply hypocrisy. Gave Hillary a heads up about debate questions so she’d have a pat answer when asked.

Bernie Sanders fought Hillary to a near tie, yet lost in a landslide. Screwed, Dude. Suppose any Sander’s supporters hated Hillary. Could they ignore the treachery and vote for her?

No one can control what others send them via email. It just shows up. After reading the offensive stuff flowing through Hillary’s chairman John Podesta’s email I have one question. Why is there not a single instance of this as a reply: “Excuse me, your remarks and/or actions are offensive. Hillary, myself, and her campaign do not approve of that language and/or behavior. Please refrain from sending this type of material to this address.”

That simple statement diffuses all criticism. Except they do not disavow those statement or tactics. They are just mad we found out.

Obviously, email content obtained by hacking cannot be used to convict someone. The 4th amendment covers that. Nothing in the Constitution precludes voters from considering that information.

The Clinton campaign blames the Russians (or FBI director Comey) for her defeat. The hacks, whoever’s responsible exposed a lot of ugliness. Collusion, corruption, and incompetence laid bare with a bit of bigotry and arrogance on the side.

Did the Russians do it? How could I know? Sleazy information often comes through sleazy sources.

Don’t mean it ain’t true.

Eugene Mattecheck Jr.

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One Response to If the e-mails are untrue — where is the refutation

  1. DLH says:

    Very well said. No coherent answer to this from Hillaryites is possible.

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