Davenport Special Election TODAY

Everyone can vote  . . .

We have a chance to win the Senate seat vacated by the passing of Joe Seng. At this stage eligible voters in the district must vote at their regular precinct voting place. The voting hours are 7:00AM to 9:00PM. If you don’t live in the district but live in the Quad Cities you probably know somebody who does live in the district and by encouraging them to vote, you can have your “vote” in that way.

What is more important than coming up with the few minutes necessary for a bit of civic responsibility? You can just send them an e-mail, make a quick phone call or text or send this link. It will take no more time than it does to buy a quart of milk at a convenience store. 

Republicans have the narrowest of margins in the State Senate.  Fortunately we have a great hard working candidate in Michael Gonzales,  a dedicated public servant, a LeClaire police sergeant in charge of the patrol division, who knows the workings of government administration and budgeting.  He has lived decades in the district, attending F.L Smart and West High.  He and his wife Amy are raising three teen-agers in a house just off of Locust.  We are most grateful he is making the sacrifice to run and try to do the best for the citizens of the district and Iowa.

Mike is a conservative and he and I know that in spite of the Democrat registration in the district, when you are able to talk issues with the folks (I lived in the West End over 40 years myself) they disagree with much of what the Democrat party supports. Of course too often they vote spontaneously for the Democrat candidate without considering all that that party stands for.

Mike’s Democrat opponent is Jim Lykam, a liberal, with a lifetime American Conservative Union rating of only 18% which is less than the DEMOCRAT average!

Lykam also has a 100% rating from ultra liberal Planned Parenthood.  Lykam rated it by voting in the legislature:  — against the effort to stop trafficking of baby parts  —   against ultrasound legislation for the safety and informed consent of women — against a webcam abortion ban, another women’s health/safety issue  — and in 2011, he opposed a ban on late-term abortion. Few legislators are as extreme pro-abortion,  pro-tax dollars for abortion syndicates like Planned Parenthood, as Jim Lykam.

Mike Gonzales is a fiscal conservative (Mike makes the point that nobody in the district he has talked to wants higher taxes), and  he opposes more restrictions on Second Amendment rights and supports enshrining our rights to self-protection in the state’s Constitution. Iowa is one of the few states that do not.  His opponent however basks in the endorsement and financial backing of the likes of Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley an extreme tax and spend liberal who has an F grade from the NRA for his extremist anti-Second-Amendment, anti-self-protection views.

Michael Gonzales can win in this special election Tuesday with your vote if you live in the district, or by your encouragement to those you know who live in the district.

The district is roughly all of the Davenport precincts west of Harrison Street (and a couple east and south) and includes the precinct of Buffalo City.  If you are unsure about your voting location simply click on this link to the Scott County Auditor’s office http://www.scottcountyiowa.com/auditor/election-central   or phone the Auditor’s office:  563-326-8683   563-326-8631

Vote at your regular voting location (usually a school or church) if you live in one of these precincts:

State Sen. District 45 includes the following precincts in Davenport

(encompassing the area mostly west of Harrison Street)

D11, D12, D13, D14, D22, D23, D24, D31, D32, D33, D34, D41, D42, D43,  D44, D54, D71, D72, D82 AND the precinct of Buffalo Iowa BF

R Mall

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