The left needs to make up its mind

  • Fake news bad — fake news good
  • Assange good guy — Assange bad guy
  • Hacking big deal — hacking not a big deal
  • Trump  confrontational menace — Trump and Putin butt buddies

The left — regarding Fake News — do as we say  — not as we do

We wonder of Facebook will now black list the fine folks at WaPo and other members of the mainstream media (MM) for their dereliction of journalistic standards.

The war on ‘fake news’ is all about censoring real news    (excerpt)

Scrambling for an explanation for Donald Trump’s victory, many in the media and on the left have settled on the idea that his supporters were consumers of “fake news” — gullible rubes living in an alternate reality made Trump president.

To be sure, there is such a thing as actual fake news: made-up stories built to get Facebook traction before they can be debunked. But that’s not what’s really going on here.

What the left is trying to do is designate anything outside its ideological bubble as suspect on its face.

Given the dominant liberal media narrative with reference to Russia, (however irrational)  virtually using the extension “the Russian-Menace-that Stole-the-Election-for-Trump” we suggest they go about their business just referring to anything Russkie as “RuMSET” for short) .  Of course it never used to be that way.

Anyway, according to the left, when RuMSET wasn’t stealing the election it was also busy hacking into our power grid. Three days ago the Washington Post reported credulously:       Russian operation hacked a Vermont utility, showing risk to U.S. electrical grid security, officials say

Now WaPo is saying  Russian government hackers do not appear to have targeted Vermont utility, say people close to investigation

So whoya gunna believe … The Obama administration, or their scribes in the media?

And yet they continue with the Russia story to deligitimize Trump.

Funny the whole hacking thing by foreign governments did not matter before:

A Tale of Two Hackings

. . . Obama’s response to China’s unprecedented hacking of the Office of Personnel Management. China stole personal data on more than 21.5 million government workers and Obama said almost nothing. In fact, the New York Times reported at the time that government officials “were under strict instructions to avoid naming China as the source of the attack.” How times have changed.

Obama’s newfound concern over the nation’s cybersecurity has far less to do with protecting the U.S. against future cyberattacks than bitter political retaliation against Donald Trump. Obama’s actions belie his lack of respect and trust in the U.S. system of government. He is primarily motivated not by concern for the well-being and security of the nation, but by protecting his own legacy and agenda. Since an incoming Trump presidency is a greater threat to Obama’s legacy than a nefarious geopolitical power such as Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Obama clearly wanted to complicate rather than support future foreign policy efforts by the incoming president. Some legacy.

Remember when Assange/ Wikileaks was a hero of the left (and the right thought them a scourge)?

Some hacked emails from the Democrat National Committee (DNC) ,  showing corruption in their primary in favor of Hillary, were released through Wikileaks. Evidence was said to be uncovered by agencies of our government, (read “Obama”) that the hacking was done by the Russian government with the intent of helping Trump. The logic is ridiculous. The leader of Wikileaks, Julian Assange is emphatic that his organization did not receive the e-ails from the Russian government.

Assange: How Many Times Do I Have To Tell You WikiLeaks’ Source Wasn’t Russia?

Assange: For the umpteenth time, no… we didn’t get the emails from the Russians

funny the whole hacking thing by foreign governments did not matter before:

A Tale of Two Hackings

. . . Obama’s response to China’s unprecedented hacking of the Office of Personnel Management. China stole personal data on more than 21.5 million government workers and Obama said almost nothing. In fact, the New York Times reported at the time that government officials “were under strict instructions to avoid naming China as the source of the attack.” How times have changed.

Obama’s newfound concern over the nation’s cybersecurity has far less to do with protecting the U.S. against future cyberattacks than bitter political retaliation against Donald Trump. Obama’s actions belie his lack of respect and trust in the U.S. system of government. He is primarily motivated not by concern for the well-being and security of the nation, but by protecting his own legacy and agenda. Since an incoming Trump presidency is a greater threat to Obama’s legacy than a nefarious geopolitical power such as Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Obama clearly wanted to complicate rather than support future foreign policy efforts by the incoming president. Some legacy.

R Mall with DLH

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One Response to The left needs to make up its mind

  1. DLH says:

    Poor Mariah Carey: “The Russians hacked my New Year’s Eve performance!”

    Oh wait! That quote has not been confirmed. Maybe WaPo can check it out.

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