On media bias and Obamacare, hacks and hacking, Chicago torture case

One of our fav’s, Clarice Feldman writing at American Tinker, has set forth her keen analysis of the latest media biases and cover-ups protecting and projecting from the usual suspects.     Making (Me and) America Sick Again   She includes some quotes and references from some trenchant observers. Bold our emphasis, graphics not in original.

The full article is rich with quotable material, here are some samples: Referring to Obamacare:

Actually Obama and his party, with the aid of what Instapundit has dubbed “Democratic operatives with bylines” continue to make me sick of their lies and distortions of truth.

As for the death of ObamaCare, if past is prologue — and with these folks it is — we can expect the press will flood us with sob stories, because in a nation chock full of feelers, emotive accounts are more compelling than economics and logic. Remember when they were working our heartstrings to get it passed?

Refering to the Chicago torture case

CBS’s blackout on the details of this story, and their competitors’ embargo of the story itself, dovetails perfectly with Iowahawk’s observation that “Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving,” and Jim Treacher’s line that in the 21st century, the profession “is all about deciding which facts the public shouldn’t know because they might reflect badly on Democrats.”

Hacks and Hacking and relying on Obama administration representations  —

When vitriol isn’t sufficient to attack the president-elect and his followers, add more lies to the mix and get your toadies in the intelligence community to play along with those in the press. That’s the story of the claim the Russians hacked the DNC and Hillary’s emails and passed them to Assange because they wanted Trump to win.

James Clapper, the DNI (Director of National Intelligence) destroyed any reputation for probity when he lied under oath before Congress in June 2013 on NSA surveillance of citizens. Last week the DNI and FBI published a report on purported Russian hacking of the DNC which any rational analysis discounts as fantastical.      . . .

And once again people like the investigative reporter Sheryl Attkisson, like Zerohedge, find the press reliance on the report unpersuasive:

There has also been a concerted, political effort to blame the Russians for Trump’s victory. In fact, as I wrote in 8 Facts on the “Russian Hacks“, to prove that the DNC hack or leak (whoever committed it) helped Trump win, one would have to know that tens of thousands of Trump voters were planning to vote for Clinton but changed their mind based solely on the WikiLeaks emails; that the emails somehow managed to only affect the electoral vote but not the popular vote (which Clinton won); and that they somehow selectively swayed voters in key swing states, but not voters in states where Clinton won. To date, such evidence has not been provided.

This isn’t to say the U.S. assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin directed the hack of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails is incorrect. But the huge effort to put the allegations on the front pages only after a Donald Trump victory, the rush to act and retaliate in the final weeks of the Obama administration when there’s been years of inaction regarding comparable or more egregious hostile acts, and the attempts to portray the DNC hacks as something that changed the election outcome, certainly raise reasonable questions.


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