Obama’s Legacy of Racism

Will Trump ignore the inculcation of racial interpretation into everything federal

Colin Flaherty writes:

“If Trump wants to rip up Obama executive orders, this is a great place to start. There’s a lot more:

“At the military academies, students learn white privilege.

“At the EPA, they preach the gospel of environmental racism.

“At public universities, professors gin up phony tests to prove anyone who does not like racial quotas is a racist.

“At the CIA, director James Brennan told the Wall Street Journal his greatest accomplishment as our nation’s spymaster was fighting for “more diversity,” despite all the handicaps he had to overcome as a “white male from New Jersey.”)

Colin Flaherty is a writer who has carefully and thoroughly documented what in our opinion, is the “racist reign of terror” that Barack Obama has unleashed on this nation over the past 8 years, beginning with his “New Haven police acted stupidly” and “if I had a son, he’d look just like Trayvon” remarks.

Flaherty is not popular in “progressive” circles, understandably. He has made a career of reporting in unassailable detail just what is going on in our schools and our shopping malls and on the streets throughout the nation, exposing just exactly who those “youths” and “teens” and “students” as the media calls them, who trash the WalMarts, attack the MacDonald’s clerks, assault each other in sports events and at shoe stores featuring the latest Air Jordans.

Unprovoked rage at “white privilege” has been legitimized by Obama and a ‘radicalized’ federal bureaucracy, as well as elements within the Congress.

This piece is just one of Flaherty’ commentaries that addresses issues created and advanced by the entire establishment which has surrounded and helped drive Obama’s agenda and represents his greatest “legacy”…and it is not a good one, for America or for the black community.

This column deserves a read…and for those put off by the perceived so-called “alt. right”, it is not “InfoWars”. It is legitimate and true rightwing journalism:

Trump and Obama’s Legacy of Racism   (excerpts)

Job one: The Trump brigade will have to decide whether to ignore it, pretend it is good, or rip it out by the roots.    . . .

For the better part of the last decade, teams of functionaries from the Departments of Education and Justice scoured the country, looking for disparities. And when they found them, they knew they were the result of one thing and one thing only: white racism.

Every teacher in America knows that. And they know how futile it is to fight the federal bully boys with protestations of innocence that do nothing but provide more evidence of their guilt.    . . .

The president has come a long way from the neophyte state senator who reminded the country at the Democratic National Convention we are not a black country or a white country, not residents of red states and blue states, but just one people in the United States.

With just a few days left in his term, President Obama confessed he supported reparations for black people for all the suffering they have endured at the hand of racist white people, but alas, the country was not ready for it.  So we must leave that for another administration, presumably the Trump people.

Now the only question is whether Trump and his army are going to be ready to take the helm of a federal government that has made racial resentment a fundamental organizing principle of its existence. Part of the DNA of every policy in every nook and cranny in every federal office.    . . .


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