Interesting study – media narratives election night

  • Now this is dedication to investigative journalism
  • GM reports on review of hours and hours of election night coverage
  • Our own media research center!

Using You Tube, I undertook the project of watching the election coverage from all channels, beginning at around 7 o’clock eastern until Podesta came out to lie to the crowd at the Javits center. Roughly 7 hours total per channel.

You might say, “So?” This is no small undertaking. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, PBS, RT (Russia Today), BBC (UK), C-span, ITV (UK), The Young Turks, Sky News (UK), and CBC (Canada). 13 channels for 7 hours, well over 100 hours of viewing. It’s a good thing I’m retired.

What could I glean from this trove of video? A quote from Dragnet comes to mind, “Only the names were changed to protect the innocent.” With few exceptions, it seems all telecasts originated from the same ivory tower. One could interchange most anchors and/or commentators from one channel to another and never notice the difference.

Networks had 2-4 “anchors”, surrounded by 4-6 “experts” (pundits), with reporters at the two watch parties. The “experts” were supposed to be “balanced”, with both Democrat and Republican views represented. Yeah, right. On several channels, the Republican side was filled with a “Never Trumper” like Bill Kristol or George Will.

It actually was enlightening to see how many anchors and pundits exist. For example, ABC had 12 on their panel, plus 1 at each watch party. Times that by 13 channels. That is a lot of voices.

Yet as the night wore on, I heard so many statements that were just obviously wrong. Always the bias was for Hillary (or against Trump). I’d say to the screen, “that’s not right,” waiting for a panelist to respond with a rebuttal. All is silent. Nary a single “expert” correcting the misrepresentation. Over and over, regardless of the network.

How does this happen.?  These are supposedly trained broadcasters and journalists. Where do they get these people? Where did they go to school?

I begin to imagine an old time Mattel toy factory. Back in the day, Mattel made a “Chatty Cathy” doll. It had a tiny phonograph inside. There was a ring on the doll’s back. One would pull a retractable string, and when released, the doll would utter one of eleven pre-recorded phrases.

Now I see the Mattel factory converted into a journalism school. Diversity abounds. Men and women, black brown and white. All tiny demographics of LGBT on full display. The assembly line full of would be journalists who “look like America”. Except they all have the exact same phonograph module installed. The Black female, brown male, and white transsexual all say exactly the same thing when you “pull their string.” The only “diversity” is on the outside. It’s a fraud.

Like making a batch of cookies and frosting them with different colored icing. They taste alike, only looking different. Doctor King’s dream of judging by “character” instead of color, falls apart when “character” is lacking.

So, watching 13 channels was a fool’s errand. I could have watched 1 and extrapolated the experience to the other 12. Live and learn.

Back to the election coverage, at 7 eastern polls begin to close. All are jovial, expecting a Clinton win. For 2 glorious hours they read their pre-written lines about Hillary’s “ground game” and rehash Trump’s miscues. Then 9 o’clock arrives. The big map is turning scarlet, Trump leading in Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia. No worries, just wait for the “ground game” to kick in. Oops! Ohio to Trump. Virginia and Colorado to Hillary. Smiles return for a bit.

Then Trump takes North Carolina. Florida. The disbelief and denial are still holding. The “Blue Wall” will save her! By 11 eastern, it’s obvious Trump’s going to win. OMG! Zombies at Hillary’s “victory party” crying like babies.

The biggest shock to me is these highly paid broadcasters, when confronted by an unexpected result are speechless. For example, Shields and Brooks (PBS & NY Times), were stuttering and sputtering like morons. Unable to think on their feet. Amazing.

Finally we have about 3 hours of recrimination. Anger and sadness. The phrase, “white non college educated men'”, spat out like an epithet 1000 times. Those ignorant, exurban rubes are sinking Hillary!

The wailing and gnashing of teeth continued until John Podesta came and told the sobbing faithfull at the Javits center to go home. Hillary calls Trump. It’s over. Acceptance sets in.

A few takeaways: Channel surfing on election night a waste. They are all the same. James Carville and Chris Matthews lib, but sane. UK and Canada broadcasters have less emotional involvement. Chris Wallace on Fox first to realize Trump winning. ABC’s “neutral” debate moderator, Martha Raddatz, obviously invested in Hillary, was in tears. CBS held on to belief of a Clinton win the longest. Nate Silver (938) no longer “gold”. Rachael Maddow, the saddest. Young Turks stupid and vulgar. MSNBC blames 3rd party.

Ed Schultz on RT the only person to pose this obvious question: “How could Hillary handle the “3 o’clock phone call” when she’s unable to face her followers at 7 minutes after 2?” His co-hosts wondering if the shock of her loss had left her “incapacitated”.

Hard to find a better note to finish on.

Eugene Mattecheck Jr.

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