Hollywood left entertains; and why does Gwyneth Paltrow walk funny?

We will answer the lead question in a bit but first —

The womyns march

Meaningful symbol / uniform of the day at Womyn’s Marches

Funnier than any of their “comedy sketches”, sadder than any of their dramatic productions, far less serious than their “solemn” pronouncements…the extravaganza held in New York to protest Trump’s inauguration was a great exposition of self-important, vulgar posturing by people who have made fabulous livings portraying other people, many of whom led far more meaningful and enriching lives than any of this crowd.

If they believe that their revolting, often childish, performances at this third rate vaudeville show are going to “inspire” regular Americans to join their ignorant and ill-conceived cause, they’ve permanently entered a parallel universe where uninformed opinions are celebrated as great ideas. The stuff on display in New York Thursday night results from lifelong character and personality defects fueled by their abuse of various anti-depressives, uppers, downers, and the never-ending incestuous rounds of media productions as Golden Globes, Peoples’ Choice, Academy Awards, which see them awarding and congratulating each other to nauseating and meaningless extremes.

These are people who are so used to being lauded for their execution of scripts and roles conceived and written by people more intelligent, thoughtful, and talented than themselves, they think that their own thoughts and actions are seen by others as important and inspirational…instead of what a typical unscripted oration by Sally Field or Robert DeNiro really shows.

In real vaudeville, the “hook’ would BE called for.

To really get a ‘ground level’ understanding of what these people are like when they’re not parading around on some red carpet awards event or emoting in a Broadway venue or on the Silver screen, one need only look at the antics of some of the biggest “stars” over the past weekend:

– Alec Baldwin’s latest vulgar “outpouring” at the “star-studded” anti-Trump rally Friday night as he related to his adoring colleagues and fans how he was going to the Russian embassy and have “the biggest pee” he ever had! What a rallying cry!

_ And then there was some guy named “Shia LaBoeuf” or something…reportedly an actor…losing complete control of whatever senses he is alleged to have as he aggressively harasses a Trump supporter. This one needs to be seen to be really appreciated.

– And then, there’s Madonna; if ever there was anything as pathetic as this ‘way-over-hill’ performer who thinks that any normal person would think there’s anything attractive about her, I’ve yet to see it. In her most dignified performance aimed at really getting out the vote for Hillary she promised to give oral sex to every male casting his ballot for HRC.

How many votes that cost Ms. Clinton is not known!

Over the weekend Madonna, apparently thinking she was sought after to make a curtain call unleashed a torrent of f–k bombs on CNN that even embarrassed that sad little network.

– Ah, but, one more. Way too interesting in illustrating just how deranged Hollywood “personalities” can get, we have the world’s weirdest visitor from the Planet Stupid since flying saucers were invented…Gwyneth Paltrow. We’re not going to go into detail on this one for obvious reasons but if there’s anyone out THERE who seeks beauty, fashion, lifestyle, and health tips from this nutcase, you can get all you can stand at her website, “GOOP”:

Gynaecologist berates Gwyneth Patrow’s Goop for advocating women put stone eggs into their vaginas

We don’t know but maybe some of the marchers could use a good steaming

The same gynaecologist previously ridiculed Goop’s recommendation of vaginal steaming

Gwyneth Paltrow has once again found herself at the centre of a gynaecologists’ fury after her lifestyle website Goop advocated women putting stone eggs in their vagina.

You would walk funny too (and probably talk funny) if you had one of these up your . . . (name private orifice here).  We don’t make this stuff up folks.


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