It is the “Blaze” but it is a credible source both because of and despite Glenn Beck’s quirky behavior.

Report: Flynn was ousted by former Obama officials to protect Iran Deal  

Absolutely frightening! Unless major figures in the GOP leadership get going, the US government will fall within 6 months! (ANOTHER OF MY WACKY “PREDICTIONS”!)


How close is that moment when the Trump administration collapses under the assault by “rogue” operatives within the Intelligence Committee, aided and prodded by the radical left, within and without the Democratic political apparatus, abetted by the all pervasive leftist media, all supported and financed by leftist ideologues embedded throughout every aspect of American society and culture?

The political assassination of General Flynn is only the beginning of the most serious and ominous threat to the very existence of the US as an ordered, lawful, democratic nation.

An overwrought, hysterical reaction to current “routine” political events?

Always possible. Especially when the concerns are those of an ordinary American citizen with no formal or informal “insider” knowledge or expertise in the dark arts of political espionage, treason, and the violent/non-violent overthrow of government.

There are, however, many very ominous signs in full view of the American people which point in the direction of the coming of the greatest crisis this country has ever faced at any time in its entire history:

1) The left, in various sectors of American society has become increasingly shrill in calling for the impeachment…and/or far worse action against…the man who was duly and Constitutionally elected president.

2) Those demands are alarmingly, starting to be echoed by leaders and other major figures of the opposition party

3) The intentions and capability of the nation’s Intelligence community to undermine a governing administration it does not like, for ideological or other reasons, has been hinted at by media and sources within the Democratic party and by members of the previous administration. Solid evidence to support it has been emerging and has reached a new level with the current blatant public disclosure of the surveillance of the incoming administration even before it assumed power.

4) The active formation of means, methods, organization, and financing of a massive effort to subvert the actions and policies of the new administration by key figures in the Obama regime, led by the former president himself, is being revealed by credible sources and is being reported. Some on the radical left have announced publicly their intention is to make the nation “ungovernable”, as a prelude to a takeover by radical elements of the far left.

5) The “student left”, always a useful element in revolution has been prepped by the liberal-dominated education institutions throughout the nation for generations, and in the most ominous ways are being mobilized to bring its “intellectual” and potentially violent heft to effort.

6) The previous administration focused enormous financial and political resources on an effort to divide the nation culturally, socially, religiously, and politically in virtually ever way possible with special emphasis on racial division and resentments. A great deal of attention was given by the Obama regime to testing of the ways in which to chip away at Constitutional protections , whether it was ways in which to destroy the separation of powers and the concept of “co-equal” branches of government, which were highly successful, or to erode the rule of law in many different ways…some of which were also very successful, others not so much.

Much more could be added but it is obvious based upon these realities has the stagebeen set, with the forces for overthrow, having been carefully marshaled for decades and actually having begun to be deployed over the past 8 years?

Apparently the left believes the time, occasion, and necessary support of various sectors of our society are ready for the final assault on the The Great American Experiment!

Here are some of the subtle, and not so subtle signs we’ve noted:

– From the Wall Street Journal’s report Wednesday, on the Flynn situation:

“It is unclear what Mr. Flynn told the FBI agents, or whether his account during the interview was contradicted by intelligence intercepts. But the very act of undergoing an interview raises the legal stakes for Mr. Flynn BECA– USE IT IS A CRIME TO LIE TO THE FBI; charges have been filed against senior officials in previous administrations for lying to investigators.”

(Does anybody wonder if it was a good idea for President Trump to keep James Comey on as FBI Director? Does anybody see any irony in the reporting on this story? How can the above paragraph appear without reference to very recent “FBI investigations”?)

How is it that in the 3 week old Trump administration, public disclosure of Trump’s phone conversations are daily “news items” and the intelligence surveillance of foreign ambassadors and US government officials is freely discussed in newspapers and by pundits of all sides?

And yet, the American people and even members of the appropriate committees of Congress were not aware at all of the “secret” talks and contacts between Obama and members of his administration with the highest levels of the Iranian government?

And, how is it that the American people still do not know the most pertinent details of the Iran Nuclear “Agreement” and the “undisclosed” side concessions which were made by the west to permit Iran to do things which were supposedly forbidden by the formal agreement?

It is no wonder there has been such a vicious, aggressive backlash against anything and everything President Trump attempts to do!

America has been governed by a ruling regime for the past 8 years which was allowed by the media, its own political party, and various key segments of our society to act largely in secret and essentially against the national interest with no fear of political or legal repercussions.

That regime , having been surprisingly replaced is now rising up in fury and fearsome retaliation against the new government and the people who rejected their ideology!


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