The incites of former AG Lynch

  • If a prominent conservative said what Lynch said . . . well, you know
  • Photo montage from various sources, all involving anti-Trump protests

Via World net Daily;

Loretta Lynch, in a video posted on Facebook by Senate Democrats, as ‘words of inspiration’, as she notes, without examples, that

“… it’s a time of concern for people, who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back. I know that this is difficult, but I remind you that this has never been easy. We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding Fathers.”

“It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.”


What is so startling about this is . . . nothing!

It’s the same divisive strategy the radical left has always employed, and the Obama administration had ‘skillfully’ exercised for the past 8 years. Divide the country into as many factions as possible and pit them against each other, and inflame at every chance.

“The cops acted stupidly…”;

“…if I had a son…he’d look like Trayvon…:

“Michael Brown, the ‘gentle giant’..gunned down while pleading for police “don’t shoot…”;

Freddy Gray;

“flash mobs”…the frequent and increasing events which feature vandalizing, looting, fighting in MacDonalds, WalMarts, malls, when there’s a new Nike sneaker model introduced…usually, if reported at all nationally, describes the perpetrators as “teens”, “urban youths” while video of virtually every such incident clearly shows a common characteristic…people “supporting and seeing their rights being assailed”?

I don’t think so.

And yet, we’ve had a president who couldn’t wait to speak out in publicized incidents when the opportunity to advance claims of “racism” presented, but maintained his silence when Black Lives Matter was distorting the truth and marching to chants of “fry the pigs (cops in their parlance)”.

If it is necessary to recount all the various ways in which Barack Obama divided the nation and deliberately heightened racial, religious, and political tensions than it would be futile to try.

As night follows day, here are the results of the way by which our former president and his consiglieres – Lynch – Holder carry out their despicable Alinskyite agenda.       DLH

Lynch didn’t say “burn” but somehow people take that as her meaning, so  burn it is, encouraged by halfhearted tut tuts

Don’t forget “bash”

The bleed part is taken to mean “others” as in make others . . .

Martin Luther King era civil rights protestors perhaps?  Somehow we do not remember King leading people this way:

There is a range of  “direct action” approaches among the aggrieved generated by Lynch/Obama

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