How does this stuff even come to be?

Wednesday, April 5 was a “great day” for America…NOT!

By now, it would seem, everyone has seen the incredibly stupid (our opinion) commercial featuring one of the Kardashian clan by which Pepsi hoped to win great acclaim from all those idealistic young folks out there who love to protest.

Many news accounts have attempted to describe the ad to underscore the inanity of it, but one really should watch the approximately 2 minute video clip. Only by actually seeing it can one appreciate how a giant company headed by a true Hillary-supporting , leftist fruitcake can put out something so goofy that it actually, for one shining moment, unites the entire nation! Conservatives, liberals, Tea Partyites, and Black Lives Matter people, all, perhaps each for different reasons, howled with laughter, exploded in rage, or expressed other emotions across the full spectrum toward Pepsi.

The company has pulled the ad…they should ‘pull’ the CEO.  Here’s a little insight from Powerline into this corporate genius, PEPSI CEO Indra Noori:  (excerpt)

In 2005, we wrote several posts about a speech that Indra Nooyi, then president and CFO and PepsiCo, gave at Columbia Business School. As described by a Power Line reader who was present, Ms. Nooyi used the fingers of one hand to illustrate the world’s continents (excluding Australia and Antarctica):

First was Africa – the pinky finger – small and somewhat insignificant but when hurt, the entire hand hurt with it. Next was Asia – the thumb – strong and powerful, yearning to become a bigger player on the world stage. Third was Europe – the index finger – pointing the way. Fourth was South America – the ring finger – the finger which symbolizes love and sensualness. Finally, the US (not Canada mind you) – yes, you guessed it – the middle finger. She then launched into a diatribe about how the US is seen as the middle finger to the rest of the world.

As I recall, an insincere apology eventually ended the incident.
A few years later, Pepsi adopted a logo that was obviously copied from the Obama for President logo.

Ms. Nooyi’s business career continued to prosper; she is now PepsiCo’s CEO. But her politics haven’t changed:

“How dare we talk about women that way,” Nooyi said on Thursday morning, referring to comments Trump made on the campaign trail and in an Entertainment Tonight video roughly a decade ago that surfaced in October. “If we don’t nip this in the bud it is going to be a lethal force in society,” Nooyi added…

When asked about the election result … Nooyi responded, “is there a box of tissues here?” However, she then pivoted by saying the new administration will need to ensure the safety and inclusion of non-white people, women, and the LGBT community. “The first thing we have to do is assure everyone living in the United States that they are safe. Nothing has changed as a result of this election” she said.

She must be a smart woman, but this is idiotic. Did she seriously believe that people would start lynching homosexuals because Donald Trump was elected president?

Pepsi is in the news again. It is being widely derided for producing one of the dumbest commercials in the history of television. The commercial stars Kendall Jenner (Kim Kardashian’s little sister), along with a cast of hundreds. One of Bob Marley’s grandsons furnishes the music. (“We are the chosen, we are the movement.” Straight from an Obama rally. What movement?) The ad consists mostly of a protest demonstration, but an anodyne one: the signs say “peace” or “join the conversation.” The marchers (or dancers) are squeaky-clean, multi-racial and happy. A Muslim girl wearing a hijab and a nose ring features prominently. At the end, Jenner gives a policeman a can of Pepsi and everyone cheers. It is hard to say what that is supposed to mean.

THE “QUEER DANCE PARTY FOR CLIMATE JUSTICE” (Where was the Pepsi for this party?)

And then, there was this…another “must see” to really understand what a sewer much of today’s “youth culture” is wallowing in:

We urge you to watch as much of this as you can stand…and project ahead 25 years when some of these “dancers” will be in leadership positions in academia, government, entertainment, business…Oh wait! Their parents are already in such positions.     DLH

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