Some things on which to ruminate:

– Will the Trump executive order to “honor and enforce” First Amendment protections for religious freedom,

a) have much effect at all on the assault on traditional religious values, i.e.. the growing outrages by the LGBTQ and pro-abortion movements?, and,

b) perhaps as much or more importantly, simply unleash the left and far left elements of organized religions?

– Will the Marxist impulses of Pope Francis now be more forcefully advanced within the Catholic Church? I

t seems to me that to some extent, Francis’s more radical ideas and pronouncements have been somewhat muted by US bishops and pastors, many of whom might endorse them but for some fear of the IRS have been a bit restrained.

Perhaps as an example, I recall a Quad Cities pastor who claimed that he could not be too openly pro-life from the pulpit because of the tax exempt provisions yet he allowed use of his parish facilities to promote the highly political advocacy of Obamacare. Perhaps this pastor, were he still in charge of a parish now feel much free-er to advance the Pope’s climate change, anti-capitalism, open borders, anti-US notions, and Democratic candidates, despite their lockstep pro-abortion commitments?

Of course it could work both ways but it seems to me that ordinary, devoted Catholic parishioners who have great respect for the Church and its historic religious integrity are far less likely to actively oppose the corruptions being imposed by radicals within and outside the church’s hierarchy.

-On the Democratic party House members: the performance of the Democratic House caucus following passage of the healthcare bill on Thursday, in a saner time, would be universally condemned and its participants laughed into political oblivion. The raucous chants and bellowed insults on the floor of that “hallowed” institution would have embarrassed a third world band of savages. No. Wait! That might be the only constituency which would find them acceptable.

To think that a 21st century electorate is actually sending people like this to represent them before the nation and the world is astounding.

– WWMD? What Will “Mumbles Do? Will “Mumbles” Mitch McConnell get an Obamacare replacement bill, anywhere close to even the ‘mild’ House bill through the Senate? Will he get ANY health care bill through? Failure to pass somewhere near acceptable legislation on this long-promised (by the GOP) goal will surely and justifiably send the Senate back into Democratic control. The fear is that that may be just fine with the Republican establishment.

– Alinsky in action: “Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules”. That’s my view of what is playing out in our Justice System today, and we’re seeing it to a greater extent than ever before with the change of political parties in power.

One pronounced characteristic of dictators and despots is that when they come to power, their first action is to destroy their political opponents: round them up, try them on phony charges, imprison them, or in the more extreme regimes, execute them. America has always included in its “book of rules” never to allow that to occur in our political/government/constitutional system.

Incoming administrations do not “round up” their political opponents so they will never threaten their rule in the future.

But in recent years Alinskyites of the Clinton and Obama regimes have exploited this “rule” in ways the founders nor modern-era politicians ever contemplated.

The Clintons were clearly a lawless regime. They were possibly the first to actively collect from the FBI, files on their political opponents. After they left office even, Sandy Berger was dispatched to steal documents from the National Archives which likely were incriminating of the Clinton years. Both Hillary’s and Bill’s abuse of power was obvious but punishable only by serious investigation by an incoming administration of the opposing party. Of course, there was none.

The Obama administration, however, set a new standard for lawlessness and disregard for the US Constitution. There is more than enough evidence to suggest extraordinary criminal, even treasonous, activity on the part of both Obama administration people and Hillary operatives. Conviction on any of the strongly indicated crimes by these people would lock them away for decades.

But, given the “rules” by which this nation has tried to observe for over two centuries, no incoming administration will have the courage to apply justice.


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2 Responses to Some things on which to ruminate:

  1. Designated2 says:

    Lots to chew on. Regarding the effect of the “pulpit freedom” I think it is a net benefit for conservatives but obliquely and no grand saving grace. Liberal Churches and pastors / bishops only used “restrictions” overwrought by them to shield themselves from commenting positively on conservative doctrine if it even remotely had a current political component. They have had nowhere near the discretion anyway as regards liberal orthodoxy regardless of political implications — jobs , the economy, immigration, poverty. Marriage the right to life and other selected matters they can’t finfd their tongue and when confronted bring up the IRS boogeyman. The merely weak now have their boogeyman blown away.

    The RC bishop apparat was most notorious for using that boogeyman shiled to considerable effect. Ignorant bishops went along with it or encouraged it to avoid responsibility whjich was an aura transmitted down the ranks.

  2. Eugene Mattecheck Jr says:

    Left leaning clergy probably spoke their minds freely anyway. No IRS complaint would be filed. We have a local church that is constantly, publicly pushing liberal agenda. Freeing up speech can never be a bad thing.

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