NYC’s de Blasio’s profound solution to crime, ignore criminality

  • So maybe  “street peeing” is a protected right of free speech
  • Sanctuary for law breakers

Marxist New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (not his birth name) while working on his autobiography “The Audacity of Stupidity”  added a page yesterday by “tweeting” in response to Texas Governor Gregg Abbott’s signing legislation corralling “sanctuary cities” in Texas.

de Blasio twitted:

@NYCMayor “This will not make Texas safer’

Mayor de Blasio has maintained along with other criminal enablers that not having local law enforcement cooperate with federal immigration agencies enforcing federal law is a good thing.  The open borders line is that Illegal immigrants won’t call police to report crime because they would risk getting turned in to immigration authorities. Well one thing is for sure about the safety of NYC, it is now safer to pee in the streets if you so desire.

Respondents to the Twitchy report about de Blasio’as tweet made a number of pithy tweets in response.

“kj” commented:

It’s nonsense. But you know what kind of talking point will work to protect illegal alien felons from deportation? Their victims won’t come forward and cooperate with authorities if you deport their attackers. They wouldn’t be attacked in the first place if you deport the alien felon. It’s nonsense.

Why do they want to protect criminal illegal aliens? Why don’t they want to protect their victims inside the USA by deporting them?

“GE” offered:

And if they are, so what? If they don’t feel safe here they should go home.

kj” responded again:

Not only will this make Texas safer it’s going to make the rest of the country safer because they aren’t going to use Texas as an entry point for drug and human trafficking. You are going to have to get your illegal alien felons from some other US state like I don’t know California to criminally abuse the legal tax paying people of NYC.
John Mitchell • 14 hours ago

Well it won’t be safer for illegal aliens committing crimes, like voter fraud. I think that is what DuhBlasio is concerned about.

“TBP_ commented:

The schizophrenic Stockholm syndrome in the article must be noted however…:

“The tough talk has made some residents fearful of law enforcement and
the gang. They say it’s not about immigration politics but about making a
community safer.”

-followed shortly by-

“Some longtime residents say law enforcement bears some of the
responsibility for the gang’s rise because it ignored the burgeoning
problem for years.”

“DP” commented:

I never thought there would be anyone worse then Dinkins but I was wrong.

mb'” commented:

“Because enforcing the law doesn’t work?” I’m not sure they’ve tried that to any large degree in NYC, at least the immigration laws. So how would they know?

“WA” commented:

Mayor de Blasio, you would have had even less crime in NYC in April; if you had been deporting illegal criminal aliens. Did you ever think about that? . . . That’s all you Social/Communist Democrats think about… Open Borders, increasing your voter base, and a new One World Order.

“M” commented:

Seriously, I’m getting real tired of the idiotic mantra that enforcing the laws already on the books is a bad thing. Especially as it applies to illegal immigration. If you consistently apply the law, and enforce it, guess what happens? Illegals (or whatever the word of the day is for libs) won’t come across into Texas. The idea that they’ll still come across, but just won’t talk to police…WTF?! Who thinks this stupidity up?

This is not to say there won’t be areas of Texas where the liberal idiot mayors won’t try to keep their precious SJW safe spaces. However, the laws passed in Texas make it less likely they will impact the legal citizens of the US.

“RF” commented:

Since DeBlasio seems to be wanting some cross-training in government positions, I think it’s only fitting that all 50 governors should offer their critiques of his performance at the helm of NYC.

“GC” responded:

I keep hearing that enforcing immigration law will make illegals less likely to come forward and report a crime. Exactly how many illegals are reporting crimes today (obviously not their own of entering the country legally)? Seriously, who are all these illegals stepping forward to report crimes, and how do those pushing this even know they’re illegal? Sounds like a big straw man argument to me.

And as we have pointed out before in regard to the tripe of “undocumented immigrants won’t report crime”   . . . which large cities do not have multi-lingual anonymous crime reporting hotlines?   More on this later

R Mall

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One Response to NYC’s de Blasio’s profound solution to crime, ignore criminality

  1. Gus says:

    Look, it’s pretty simple, and perfectly in line with the clear-eyed thinking of De Blasio, liberals, and NPR devotees. We can bring the crime rate to zero, virtually overnight. Eliminate laws… they’re just so darn controversial anyway.

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