Confusing story about former FBI Director Comey’s motives

Highlighted Daily Mail story is goofy. The more relatable story is about Trump’s new motivation to stop selective politically motivated leaks about legitimate conversations.

From The Daily Mail:

Comey ‘acted on Russian intelligence about the Clinton email scandal even though he knew it was FAKE’

  • Fake Russian intelligence claimed there were emails that compromised then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch in relation to the Hillary Clinton email scandal
  • Former FBI Director James Comey knew the information was fake, but still acted
  • Without consulting Lynch, Comey publicly announced the FBI had ended its investigation last summer
  •  He feared if the information became public it would be impossible to prove false without burning other intelligence sources 

We admit to finding the lead story incredibly confusing. We have a hard time following a logical thread, i.e..

“The alleged emails were between then-Democrat National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and a political operative.

“Comey feared the Russians would release the information and it would be impossible to prove false without burning other intelligence methods, sources told the outlet.

“So last summer, without consulting Lynch, Comey publicly announced the end of the investigation and said Clinton had been ‘extremely careless’.

Huh?! Comey was afraid the Russians would release the info, so Comey “released” it???!!! Also…if it was all “fake”, why did Debbie-cakes resign??!!

But reading on get this:

Kushner  (ed. note:Trump son-in-law and political adviser) proposed a direct back-channel connecting Trump’s campaign and the Kremlin during a meeting at Trump Tower on or around December 1, the Post reported.

Remember the breathless dominant liberal media reporting of the open mic comment DIRECT from Obama to the Russian diplomat , to the effect ~~don’t worry about any posturing here, once I am reelected I will have more flexibility.  We don’t wither.)

As per Kushner’s suggestion, the communications between the Trump team and the Kremlin would be held inside Russian diplomatic facilities in the US, according to details of the discussions that were intercepted by intelligence officials.

And as special counsel Robert Mueller is heading a new probe of the Russian election interference, along with multiple congressional probes, the White House is preparing for a multi-year battle to counter the constant barrage of information.

‘We’re getting street fighters ready to go,’ one Trump ally told Axios.

‘The White House is embracing the fight, which is going to last as long as Donald Trump is president,’ said the ally.

Trump is already bringing on longtime attorney Marc Kasowitz, as part of a new personal legal team.

‘He’s the type of lawyer Trump likes – tough, litigious, threatens all the time,’ one GOP official told

DLH with R Mall

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