Friends re-runs outrun CNN

From Jarlsberg, one of our favorite pithy, insightful, often profound while humorous, go to commentators for skewering the left and the political and cultural elites.   Reposted with permission.  We will add, it is pretty bad for CNN when Nick-at-Nite bit*ch slaps you in the cable ratings. Maybe it is because Friends reruns are more reality based.   R Mall

A Meme Thing To Do

That’s going to leave a mark.

Initially we hadn’t given much thought to the whole brouhaha in which Trump tweeted (sigh…) an animated GIF of him pretending to rough up someone with a CNN logo for a face. It was a dopey little animation which sort of made a humorous point, after which we could all just get on with our lives – right?

Wrong. The media and Internet went nuts (granted, this is a given these days), making an occurrence which had roughly the importance of a gnat’s fart into a bigger story than the lunatic leader of North Korea successfully test firing a nuke-capable ICBM missile.

CNN was especially culpable in blowing the loco logo story out of proportion. They claimed that the seconds-long clip was a call for violence against their esteemed journalistic team, and then tracked down the poor schmuck who’d originally created the animation and threatened to out his real identity (after labeling him a racist and anti-semite) so that the angry leftist mobs – you know, the ones who commit real acts of violence – could deal with him.

This is no small thing, as conservative cartoonist (and personal friend) Mike Lester points out…

The Right, of course, responded with a tidal wave of new memes (including our winged-hat tip to Thor and Hulk) in which CNN was humorously and entirely metaphorically getting the stew beaten out of them.

These weren’t “calls for violence,” but rather a perfect Free Speech counterattack in defense of a private citizen whose rights and safety were being threatened by a mega-media corporation that can’t take a joke – even though it is one.

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