Feinstein: “A top notch team should reach out and talk with North Korea”

  • If “reach out” means extending ones hand to Kim’s throat . . .
  • Put the onus on China, biggly

Play the spot (courtesy Daily Caller, click on arrow). Listen to her.  “No military solution”  How is that?  North Korea thinks there is, it is to the effect — develop offensive military nuclear weapons capability to gain hegemony, even against China for that matter, as they are not grand historical friends.

What are you going to do Senator? Trust them, again?  Trust them like we have Iran? That “top-notch team” your ilk has been so good at putting together . .. remember this:

Saying there is no military solution “absolutely” plays into Kim Jong-un’s hands.

Put the onus on China, biggly

Korea is just a bargaining chip for China to use as it sees fit . . . to the effect “we have this mad dog on a leash, play along with us and everything will be alright,  . . .keep that trade going, don’t look too close at our operations.”

And patsy Obama and others have succumbed to it, endorsed it, as if China was the only one with cards to play.  But there is a new card player in town and he can count cards and knows the game. He knows that trade with China represents a passel of good hold cards.

The U.S. can tell China ~~ end this or we will go for broke, not necessarily with Korea, but with you, in the form of trade sanctions for propping up North Korea. The decision for us is which is better for us and the region, nuclear war or the constant threat of it, or the effects of a trade restriction with China for a time? It might dawn on China that real peace is good for trade.

Thanks to Dan Deibert, a commentator at WOC radio, who essentially made the points in the paragraph above today.

R Mall

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