Agent provocateurs and or numbskullery at work in Virginia

  • A radicalized “white nationalist” is said to be responsible for mowing down three counter-protestors in Virginia , is he representative of anything other than being a nut case?
  • Are Bill Ayers , Bernadine Dohrn, Kathy Boudin representatives of the left*
  • Is the left actually interested in dialogue?

We believe the so-called “middle ground” can often be just the setting for compromising important principles, resulting in a compromise to oblivion, depending on the resolve and smarts of the negotiating entities. But rules of engagement regarding civil discourse (sincerely observed by contending sides) are always appropriate.  Sincerely observed are the watch words.

That one side “rises to the occasion of another” is natural and not always inappropriate. Reasonable ridicule of another’s position should not be considered out-of-bounds in some contexts. But shaming, rooting out of malcontents and the truly off-base should be the internal responsibility of each contender’s camp.

Unfortunately left-biased media chooses to highlight unrepresentative elements as representative of the “right” while downplaying or covering up leftist provocations, which pretty much makes the mainstream media propagandists and provocateurs.  With that understood we can recommend the estimable Daniel Greenfield (no shrinking violet)  writing at Front Page (set forth below) and following that, an exchange between a leftist and just someone who wants dialogue.

Left-Wing Extremism Feeds an Extremist Reaction

A functioning society requires a middle ground. There has to be someplace where different sides can meet and negotiate their differences. Extremism happens when one or both sides eliminate that middle ground. And then all that’s left is a brutal fight for power.

The left is up on its high horse after the latest violence. But it’s the Democrats who allowed themselves to be taken over by the left. The extremism boosted Black Nationalist racist groups which were quickly mainstreamed.

Democrats demand that Republicans condemn Neo-Nazis. And certainly everyone should make their disgust clear. But Democrats have publicly endorsed Black Lives Matter. And Black Nationalists are just another racist hate group. Who operate with the support of the Democrats.

The Confederate memorial crisis was an utterly unnecessary confrontation pushed by Black Nationalists and exploited by Neo-Nazis.

After the Civil War, Americans achieved a modus vivendi. The Union was preserved, but the South was allowed to honor its dead and its leaders. The campaign against Confederate memorials was the best possible present that the Neo-Nazis of the Alt-Right could have received. And so both sets of extremists fed on each other. That’s how it works. And the blame goes to the left which lit the spark.

For all the self-righteousness in the media, it was the media which recently glorified the leftist street violence of Antifa, which glamorizes and promotes Black Lives Matter, which pushes narratives and agendas that promote extremism on both sides. There are consequences to that. And we’re seeing some of them now.

If the left wants a functioning society with a middle ground, then it must restrain its extremists. If it wants to unleash its extremists and then decry the violence, it’s the source of the problem.

Now consider the willingness of  Democrat types to dialogue.  This exchange took place on a YouTube site showing a clip of Trump issuing a warning to North Korea. Adam Mall is a relation. At this writing (nearly a day later) there was no comment from Mr. “Erudition” in response to the last comment expressing openness to respectful dialogue. We find this not to be the exception, the average leftist does not want dialogue.

Erudition1 day ago (edited)Highlighted comment
This is what happens when you give children participation awards, we end up with loser presidents like Trump! Being born into a luxury lifestyle is much different than achieving personal success.

adam mall1 day ago
No… The generation to which our president belongs didn’t have participation Awards. At the time that he was raised, second place was still the first loser. I believe that if anyone is rewarded for mediocrity, then the real world is just too much to bear. Things like participation medals breed a society which believes that hard work isn’t required to be rewarded. It teaches children that hard work dedication and self-sacrifice are things which aren’t required to be successful. In a nutshell, that personifies why the Democratic Party has thrived in recent years as these young participation medal awardees get into voting age.

Erudition1 day ago
Trump was given the Presidency as a participation award, he lost the popular vote, he is a loser!

adam mall18 hours ago
He may have lost the “popular” vote, but it would be unwise to underestimate the minority. Those who voted for him believe that he can change their lives for the better. Who are these moronic people you might ask yourself… They are the people that built your home, built your car, work a trade or guard you while you sleep… The under appreciated who get up every day and actually WORK to provide a living for themselves and their families. They are over taxed, many are making as much as two times what they actually take home. Government regulations have taken the livelihoods of many of them, and they are DESPERATE for change. Thus far, the president has been their champion. He made it possible for businesses that those working men and women depend on for their livelihood to either stay in or return to this country. I won’t deny your argument that he is a misogynist… I won’t even deny your argument that he is a blowhard… I will say this in his defense however… His children love him. The way they speak about him and defend him should be enough for anyone to determine what type of man he is at his core. Regardless of his level of political and geopolitical experience, he is a businessman. He over utilizes the “madman theory” which tends to inflame his political opponents, but he does seem to have the best interest of both the country and its people at heart. To be clear, I did not vote for either Clinton or Trump. I urge all of you who read this to consider one simple fact… Whether it is by birth, or by pledge of loyalty we are all American. We all want the same end result, the debate is truly over the means by which we achieve it. Every time there has been a national tragedy, both sides have come together as one… I urge you all to not wait for the next national tragedy to come together. I risk my life for total strangers for a living, and I stand next to people who are politically opposed to me but I love each and every one of them as my brother. Admittedly we are in a rather dark period of American history… But it is not our first, and I promise you it will not be our last. Some of the greatest Presidents in history were hated by the majority and certainly would not have been elected by popular vote… history is the greatest teacher, and I for one choose optimism over violence and name-calling. Yes, we are all pissed off about something… And regardless of which of our groups are pissed off SOMEONE will always be so. As the saying goes: you can’t make 100% percent of the people happy 100% of the time. I am a conservative, I am a father, I am a working man and I am educated. I love you all regardless of your gender, race or orientation… Because even though I may just be alone in my thought I believe we are all human beings and deserve our own happiness in whatever form it comes. I wish you all well, and I stand beside you no matter what.

Erudition18 hours ago (edited)

adam mall I feel sorry for all the people who are to busy working to realize they have been drinking the snake oil of a con artist. The working poor who voted for Trump will see their incomes deplete even further under the fake Trump “pro business” agenda. The entire Nation got conned into paying to go to Trump University. Some are starting to realize their mistake and more will as time goes on. Hopefully Trumpism is soon to be dead and gone.

adam mall17 hours ago
Erudition I apologise, however in the context you’re using the word is spelled “too.” You seem extremely intelligent but perhaps we are BOTH wrong. One side always accuses the other of “drinking the cool-aid” when no one ever questions what MAKES the other side do it… I want REAL debate, not insults or accusations of stupidity. You are NO moron… Can we just talk like two human beings with differing opinions on the same topic? Neither of us have the whole story my friend… We only know what others tell us, and we have no real means of verifying the accuracy of their statements. Truths lay in actions… And by his ACTIONS thus far he seems to be FOR the working man, not against… I both encourage and WELCOME evidence to the contrary. Please debate me without insults. There HAS to be common ground somewhere between our points of view… Maybe if you and I are able to do so, then others will follow, and then everyone will win for a change.

R Mall

*OK bad choice for the left. Those three actually are murderers/accomplices, celebrated then and now by the left.

Rep. David Kustoff assailant again proves far-left extremists are common criminals 

How 1960s Radicals Ended Up Teaching Your Kids

Of course the most murderous leadership of the 20th and 21st centuries are communists and those opposed to western culture.

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