Eight Years In The Making

(originally posted 2:30 PM Sunday)

Baltimore — hate never emanates from the left, no need to call it out in general.

The “Mooch” waxes eloquent

´With the moral authority of the presidency, you have to call that stuff out,´(Anthony) Scaramucci told ABC News´ George Stephanopoulos during his first post-White House interview, airing Sunday morning on This Week. On Saturday, Trump condemned hate ´on many sides,´ which many, including a number of Republicans, interpreted as Trump equating the white supremacists with the counter-protesters, of which one was killed. ´I wouldn´t have recommended that statement,´ said Scaramucci…

Millions of words will be written and spoken over the next many days regarding what happened at Charlottesville, VA on Saturday, August 13, 2017.

All sides will be heard from regarding racial strife in America. Some analyses will be valid, on both sides. More will be strident, malicious, one-sided and driven by hate which goes beyond racial divisions.

Coming from someone who has less claim to intellectual mastery than most anyone prominent on the national scene, Mr. Scarramuchi’s remarks are typical of the rhetoric from Trump-hating leftists (though he would not claim to be) and media figures.

Jake Tapper of CNN is only one of the latter ilk, and by no means the worst. But his badgering of a White House spokesperson on his network Sunday morning was so embarrassing to the journalist “profession”, it is worthy of denunciation as much as the ugly events of Charlottesvile.

But sadly it will not be. It is typical of the bulk of the “coverage” and commentary the American people will be subject to in the coming days and weeks.

If Jake Tapper ever tried to get Barack Obama to condemn the “Black Lives Matter” marchers in New York for chanting “What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? NOW!” as he demanded of the president to specifically blame, in full, only the “white supremacists and ‘alt.right” for Charlottesville, I missed it.

But, to my main point:

Eight Years In The Making

From Reverend Wright to Reverend Sharpton; from Trayvon to Michael Brown, Charlottesville has been coming since Barack Obama set out to divide the nation into as many competing “tribes” as possible, with special emphasis on heightening racial tensions, unseen since the 60’s (Watts riots, etc).

No. racism, inter-racial animosities, discrimination,”white nationalism”, et al, did not start with Barack Obama and the intent to heighten racial tensions in America was not the sole aim of Barack Obama’s presidency.

It was to divide and destroy the nation as an ideal if not a sovereign entity.

But because of his unique stature as the first “black president” (a characterization only half-true, but exploited to the max), he was well-placed to exploit as no other radical leftist could…and he did.

It was Barack Obama who elevated thugs including Michael Brown and young Trayvon Martin to martyr status and featured race baiters like Al Sharpton to the “go-to” people the president relied upon as valued advisers on race relations.

It was Barack Obama who uttered not a word of “eloquent” criticism of the demonstrably false and phony “hands up, don’t shoot” mantra which drove irrational hatred by the information-challenged, including professional athletes and effete entertainment figures.

And, while Obama’s best efforts while in office set the stage for Charlottesville and likely worse to come, it was not quite sufficient to ignite the full flame of race war in America, his radical supporters came up with a new strategy, though not “new” except in the free world.

Long a stable of totalitarianism and particularly Communist regimes, the new tack was revisionist history! To begin with removal and or destruction of historic icons, symbols and monuments of figures who played important and, like all leaders of their given eras, imperfect, mixed roles in our nation’s history.

Ironically, while drivers of evil intent and their benighted followers attempt to erase the ugly events of America’s history, they also blur and distort the nation’s principled movement and progress toward eliminating those things that tarnish the ideals America has sought since its founding and has largely achieved. A full and fair history of America cannot be understood by erasing the accounting of the struggles of the unjust and the just to achieve its moral goals.

Thus, it was only time and the right spark to ignite the tinder put in place by those whose grievances toward our nation can never be satisfied. They seek to deny historical values, symbols, and traditions, good and bad, by which generations have benefitted through understanding of each, for the betterment of all Americans. This mal-conceived strategy has brought us to Charlottesville on Saturday.

The widespread and contemptible efforts by the left to falsely tie ordinary Americans who revere the nation’s status of a beacon of freedom to the world and who honor the ideals for which America stands and who seek the peaceful and fair treatment of peoples of every race, creed, color… to radical elements who mirror their own hatred could eventually only lead to the corrosive divisiveness which exists in America today.

To suggest that President Trump was wrong to not condemn only the “white supremacists” for the tragedy in Virginia is not just “misguided”. It is of the same cloth that ultimately caused those events!

However provocative the theme of the protest it might be to many, the intent of the “counter-protesters” was at least as detestable.

This counter demonstrator just happened to have a spray can with him.

Some have suggested that the white supremacists were seeking violent confrontation because many came wearing riot gear, and I suppose weapons or potential weapons.

Will it be as widely reported that the “counter-protesters” came similarly “prepared”?   . . .

And further, given experiences of the very recent past by conservatives and supporters of President Trump, attacks on Americans attending peaceful rallies or speaking appearances by many of the same people girded similarly as they were on Saturday, it should surprise no one that at some point attendees at such events would adopt appropriate protections.

There are indeed, among us those who are attacked time and again for their most well-meaning acts of public sentiment, that will inevitably decide that “enough is enough”!

One need not condone hatred and violence in any form to understand how it comes about.


Related reading here

Genteel images of leftist protests as we have come to expect in metro areas:

Leftist protest in France: we are pretty sure here and there that police do not throw fire bombs

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2 Responses to Eight Years In The Making

  1. Eugene Mattecheck Jr says:

    Phil Yerrington had some great comments in the QC Times article today concerning the march on the Centennial bridge last night. Surprised they printed them.

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