Promise keepers? . . . that’s just not who they are

  • Also: about conceding the moral ground on DACA

Reading the latest from Kurt Schlichter at Town Hall you might get the impression he is a little dissatisfied with the Republican establishment and especially Paul Ryan.  It says many things that need to be. We fully expect Ryan to slow walk, invent roadblocks, concede the high ground, endorse do nothing compromises, and protect opponents of key parts of the GOP platform within the caucus.  It is who he is.   The excuse of “the reality of  insufficient votes within the caucus” might obtain some sympathy on the part of Messrs Ryan and McConnell if their M.O. did not extend to perfuming and keeping their cronies, the proverbial bath water, and throwing out or starving promise keepers.  Two of the graphics we offer is intended to make the point that DACA “kids” are no better than prospective legal immigrant kids who are faced with practical quotas. Where is the compassion for them if limited  places and resources are held by illegal immigrants?

What about this general sketch as a policy, (comments welcome): If there is to be any integrity to the immigration system and border integrity,  those now under DACA can only have temporary residence as foreign nationals,  they have to pay equivalent taxes but with no citizenship or claim to welfare resources that could be afforded citizens. They have to matriculate through acceptable emigration processes including being responsible for fines, something akin to student loan debt for the education received.  The process begins by  appearing physically in their native country if it is peaceable. In the interest of family reunification they can stay with their adult family members for a period of time in that country? Harsh? Then how do we ever have uniform compassion for prospective legal immigrants under the rule of law? How about one of the taxes being that they return and help their country for a period of time eliminate the problems that perhaps drove their parents away?

Excerpts to Schlichter’s Town Hall column below but there is more trenchant commentary in the full original.

All This ‘True Conservative’ Talk About ‘Principles’ Is Just Another Lie 

. . .  Paul Ryan is a guy who can’t even take his own side in a fight – or, more to the point, our side in a fight. Now, a quick quiz: When Donald Trump proposed to keep his promise to the Republican voters who elected him and end the unconstitutional DACA program that the Obama administration enacted to ignore duly-enacted immigration laws, what did Passive Paul do?

A. Ryan immediately offered his support for the president undoing this Rule of Law abomination that Ryan expressly called “unconstitutional” on Fox back in October 2014.

B. Ryan immediately demanded the president not undo this Rule of Law abomination that Ryan expressly called “unconstitutional” on Fox back in October 2014.

C. Ryan immediately asked someone to explain what the phrase “keep his promise to the Republican voters who elected him” means.

D. B and C

So, for the benefit of us suckers, basically Ryan was against DACA when it couldn’t be undone, but is now panicking when it can be undone because it might actually be undone – unless President Trump lets Ryan roll him, in which case he deserves to be laughed at in exactly the way his Never Trump enemies will laugh at him.

Yeah, so after nearly two years of tiresome finger-wagging about “the Rule of Law” and how we need to put our “principles” above our desire for “winning,” the whole sordid scam we always knew it always was is revealed for the world to see. They can’t hide it anymore and they aren’t even trying. Their glorious “conservative principles” aren’t principles at all but a skeevy ploy designed to tie our hands and keep us from pursuing policy goals our establishment coalition partners disfavor. They want open borders. They want illegals. They want cheap foreign labor      . . .

And in the most Congressional GOP move of all possible Congressional GOP moves, they now want to try to pass a proposed DACA fix using Democrat votes and so their proposed deal to the Democrats – who really, really want 800,000 future voters – is to trade it for…wait for it…still waiting…nothing. The GOP isn’t asking for anything. No new limits on immigrants, no reform of chain immigration, certainly no wall. Nothing. I hope the dealer tries out this innovative new negotiation strategy on me the next time I bargain to lease a fine German sports sedan. . . .

Pathetic. You know, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that the real reason the Republicans don’t want to end the filibuster to allow them to pass legislation is that they would then be expected to pass legislation that their voters want and the GOP establishment doesn’t.

Here’s the thing. There are two parties in America, one to the right and one to the left. The left/right spectrum used to be the only axis that mattered, and the coalitions within the parties fit pretty well, if not perfectly. But the bipartisan establishment, the meritless meritocracy that rules us, grew more arrogant even as it grew more inept. It ignored problems and troubling trends even as it cashed-in for itself over the decades.

Just answer the question . . . would there be more resources for these kids just on a humanitarian basis if not for DACA ? If you say, the DACA kids don’t cost (false)  and conceding that for the sake of argument the DACA kids come from the same level of poverty, (for the most part, false), how is a DACA child’s claim superior if it is all about compassion?  But of course you can’t ask those questions.

We concede no moral ground to Democrats as regards DACA

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