Those are not pearls of fairness feminists are clutching

  • In her condemnation of Roy Moore and award of the Alabama election to Democrats Peggy Noonan exposes herself as logically challenged, emotional wreck of a writer possibly under the influence (our summation of the preponderance of responses to her WSJ column)

They want it both ways

Writing at American Greatness Jack Kerwick provides an insightful critique of feminist hypocrisy in action (our word, overused we realize, seems to fit the refined thesis he presents).  Read the entire article for the excellent development and presentation.

Sexual Misconduct, Feminism, and the ‘Roy Moore Rule’  (excerpts)

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First, and predictably, this spate of allegations has been situated within the framework of a feminist narrative: the allegations, even those without a speck of substantiation, have been treated as proof of the guilt of the accused, and the alleged misconduct is depicted as the legacy of “the Patriarchy.”

This is quite revealing, for it crystallizes the self-contradiction—the logical quicksand, if you will—upon which feminism has always rested. In other words, feminism depends upon the very same traditional conceptions of women and men that, ostensibly, it wants to destroy as illegitimate.

. . .

Former President Bill Clinton stands accused of numerous charges of sexual assault and rape. For decades, his fellow partisans in Hollywood, the national media, and academia vociferously defended him while demonizing his accusers as “trailer trash” and worse. Recently, however, and now that the Clintons are no longer of any political value to them, some of the Clintons’ former apologists admit to having had a change of heart on this matter.

These conversions should not impress. As long as it is maintained that so much as the allegation of sexual misconduct against a person suffices to render the accused ineligible of acquiring or maintaining a professional position, or a position in the public eye—as long as the Roy Moore Rule is upheld—then it is only fair that every politician, journalist, commentator, academic, and entertainer who either defended Bill Clinton against charges of sexual assault or endorsed Hillary Clinton despite the claims of her husband’s accusers that she threatened and intimidated them should resign from their positions effective immediately. They showed, at a minimum, awful judgment.

But we shouldn’t hold our breath. Real virtue, as opposed to moral showboating, comes at a cost.

Then there is Ms Peggy’s ever so righteous preaching from her narrow New York City confines to actually worldly women in Alabama.   We expected nothing Moore, nothing balanced from the sniveling bitter authoress.  Read her “elect a baby-killing Democrat” article but note the responses. Over 1750 in the WSJ at this writing and few that we found complimentary.

Alabama Women, Say No to Roy Moore

For the record  . . . we know Moore’s opponent is a Democrat creep. He really could not be a better choice than Moore and there is no other choice. Moore  also deserves the chance to defend his reputation.  We know the truth about Democrats.

R Mall

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